Reacher 101 - 6th Pre Production Studio Draft - 1-12-21

Reacher Pilot 6th Pre-Production Studio Draft 1/12/2021 15.

JOSEPHINE (CONT'D) This is home now - hopefully for a while - so put on jackets and go make friends.

Resigned, the kids grab their jackets, put ‘em on. The sleeves ride up Reacher’s forearms. He stands there like a pre-teen mannequin dressed in elementary school clothes. JOSEPHINE (CONT'D) My lord , Reacher. You grow out of

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clothes before you’ve worn them twice. You and Joe come back when the street lights are on. Allez, du


The boys move out.




Reacher and Joe walk along... REACHER

Think we’ll like it here? JOE

School lessons’ll be the same. Army issued furniture’ll be the same. Stuff we can buy in the PX is all the same. It’ll be just like Cameroon and Belgium and Spain.

A few more steps and they come upon FIVE 13-YEAR-OLD KIDS by * a FENCE that gives access to a BEACH PATH. Their leader is * CURTIS BISHOP - a real piece-of-shit BULLY. * JOE * (CONT'D) Hey. * CURTIS * Hey... you the new guys that were * moving in today? * (Joe nods) * The ones with the French maman? * Some of the kids laugh a little. Joe points to the path. * JOE * This the way to the beach? * CURTIS (O.S.) Yeah... but it’s five bucks.

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