Reacher 101 - 6th Pre Production Studio Draft - 1-12-21

Reacher Pilot 6th Pre-Production Studio Draft 1/12/2021 18.

REACHER No bells or whistles? ROSCOE Quiet as church on Saturday... FINLAY (O.S.) Roscoe! She turns to find Finlay moving quickly from his office. FINLAY (CONT'D) We’re takin’ a ride. Got a hit on the phone number. Roscoe nods, puts her hand back in through the bars for the mug to be handed over. Reacher looks at her. She explains. ROSCOE Sorry. Ceramic. REACHER What about church on Saturday? ROSCOE (not taking any chances) Sometimes there’s a sermon on Saturday. And they can get loud. She takes the mug, moves off. Reacher watches her walk out with Finlay, intrigued by her. Then, as Baker passes by... REACHER Hey. I have to use the bathroom. BAKER Hold it. REACHER Haven’t used the head in 12 hours. Now when it comes to that kind of thing, some claim distance and some claim accuracy. I can claim both... (looks to Baker’s desk) Notice your desk’s only 8’ away. Baker looks at Reacher, then begrudgingly opens the cell. BAKER Make it fast. REACHER (surprised) You don’t want to come in with me? BAKER Hold your own dick, sweetheart.

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