Reacher Pilot 6th Pre-Production Studio Draft 1/12/2021 22.
That hangs out there. Hubble swallows, begins to pace a bit. Finlay deliberately stirs the ice cubes some more. Then... FINLAY (CONT'D) You know anything about that? Hubble doesn’t answer, paces. Finlay and Roscoe share a look. FINLAY (CONT'D) Unidentified male, shot to death... Hubble stops, eyes landing on something outside the front window. A BLACK SEDAN idles in front of his house. It’s ominous; it unnerves Hubble further. The cops don’t see it. FINLAY (CONT'D) He was found near a highway Hubble can’t say the words fast enough. No one speaks. Finlay stops stirring the cubes. Silence. Stunned Roscoe puts her iphone on the island, presses RECORD. ROSCOE Mr. Hubble for your protection, and ours, I’m going to record you gettin’ your rights-- HUBBLE --I know my rights. I understand I don’t have to talk or anything and that I get a lawyer and all that, but I did it, ok? - I killed the guy, by the highway. I was the one. Finlay takes in Hubble. Isn’t quite sure about him. FINLAY Ok. So this man you killed? What was his name? HUBBLE I don’t know. FINLAY You killed a man you don’t know? HUBBLE That’s right. FINLAY Why? overpass with your number written on a paper scrap in his shoe-- HUBBLE --I did it. I killed the guy. It was me.
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