Reacher 101 - 6th Pre Production Studio Draft - 1-12-21

Reacher Pilot 6th Pre-Production Studio Draft 1/12/2021 24.

BAKER Don’t care if it’s the Chicago Blackhawks by Dr. Seuss. Cut it out.

A stare down, then Baker returns to his work. A beat, then Reacher starts drumming his fingers again. Baker SLAMS down his pen, stands aggravated - this might escalate, except... Everyone’s attention is drawn to Finlay/Roscoe bringing Hubble in, cuffed. Stevenson shares a worried look with Hubble (Reacher notices this) as Finlay leads Hubble to the cell. Finlay opens the cell, looks to unmoving Hubble. FINLAY I’m not demonstrating how the hinges work. Get in. Hubble looks at massive Reacher, who just stares at him. Hubble hesitantly enters. One step. Gets nowhere near Reacher. FINLAY (CONT'D) Reacher, come with me. REACHER No. FINLAY Excuse me? Reacher stands, walks to Finlay by the open door. Hubble scurries out of the way, moves to the back. REACHER Not until you let the zip ties come Roscoe hears this - a small smile/laugh from the slight dig at Finlay’s size. No one else notices. Finlay acquiesces... FINLAY I’ll get the box cutter-- REACHER --That’s ok. I got it. He presses his wrists together, bears down a 1/4 beat and POPS his wrists apart, SNAPPING the ties. Plastic falls to the ground. Everyone’s stunned. Reacher picks ‘em up casually. REACHER (CONT'D) You guys recycle? off. We both know I didn’t kill anyone and they’re uncomfortable. Too small for me. Most things are too small for me. (takes in Finlay’s size) You wouldn’t understand.

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