Clean Air Industries - Weld Fume and Smoke Solutions

Fire Suppression Options Enhanced safety for operating environments

Clean Air Industries Fire Suppression System has been designed with a combination of smoke and heat sensors that can be placed throughout the units. Smoke sensors provide an early warning, stop the motors, lock out pulsing, and suppress the air flow by closing louvers on both the intake and exhaust of the unit. Our dry chemical suppression agent is not dispensed unless the fire has been verified by the heat sensors without the use of potentially damaging liquids. On VFD-incorporated units, the Fire Suppression System is tied in with the drive, thus allowing the system a quick and controlled stop of the motors and blowers. For those desiring additional protection, sprinkler heads can be installed at the request of the end user. All collectors come standard with filters utilizing media impregnated with fire retardant resin.

In-Line Spark Arrestor Before reaching the filter chamber, a spark arrestor may be utilized by mounting the cooler to the duct line. Spark Arrestors provide a deflection and dropout point and reduce air speed with minimum pressure drop losses through the duct.

BaffleBox An optional Baffle Box can add additional protection. Inlet boxes include baffle plates and wire mesh filter technology to add further protection against high-risk sparks


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