King's Business - 1945-05



May, 1945


Accent On Youth Youth Conquering for Christ R. L. Middleton Messages suitable for young people pr pastors to read or use for programs. Teaching the Word of Truth Donald G. Barnhouse Eighty lessons presenting Bible doctrines visually for children. Children’s Gospel Commentary Keith L. Brooks a analysis of the Gospels and the book of Act» adapted to the child’s view* point. A book suitable for- reading at family worship. Reaching Children Mildred Morningstar Leaders of child evangelism groups» Sunday School classes and summer camps will be interested in the newest method* for reaching chib dren. Strictly Confidential A lice M. Hustad A book for girls and about girls. All phases of a girl’s life are discussed from a Christian point of view, i Youth Makes the Choice H . E. W atters Vocational and social self- guidance of inestimable value to all young people as well as* counsellors. Reaching Boys Dimmock Steeves Handbook on boys’ club and camp work. Contains plans and methods for evangelizing teen age boys.

A new movable, realistic, picture method of tell­ ing Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at the results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching to—



Dept. K. P. O. Box 145, Pasadena, Calif.


Bead about the thrilling Tract method experiences of others on page 170.

Youth Magazine


with a punch


As long as you live there may never be a more important year than the one ahead. Christian young men and young women will be faced with greater de­ mands for intelligent living for Christ than ever before. HIS is a magazine specifically designed to help them be­ come more completely His—the Lord's — through reading its pages. Already, many young people have yielded their lives to God as a result of reading HIS. Some have faced up to. His call to missionary service. Just re­ cently I heard of two girls who were kept from marrying unbelievers be­ cause of an article in HIS. Readers have been led to trust God when tempted to throw everything overboard. The May issue is ready. Here are some of the titles: WORRY, THE KILLER—what it does io you, and what to do about it. VOCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR CHRISTIAN YOUTH—the tre­ mendous story of Good News Pub­ lishing Company of Chicago, and plans of president Clyde Dennis for world-wide expansion of his tract publication ministry, WHAT COLLEGE DID TO MY RE­ LIGION—a challenging article writ­ ten by a fellow who lost his faith at the university.

HOW SCRIPTURE MEMORIZATION CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE—the power of God's Word for reai Chris­ tian living, as demonstrated from a typical experience. EVER GO TO SLEEP WHILE PRAY- ING?—or have trouble with your mind wandering from your prayer? One who knows how to pray tells how to meet this problem. OSCAR, THE INVISIBLE—two serv- icemen appeal to their buddies to be as concerned about eternal matters as they are in obeying rules of protec­ tion against Oscar, the malaria mos­ quito. Subscribe for yourself and give HIS to servicemen, the college gang, busi­ ness people and young homemakers. An ideal graduation gift. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP |llllllll!lllllllllll!l|lllillllllllllllll!iinil]illillllllllllll|lllllllilllll|lll!|l|!||l!ll|||||NIIIIIIII|UIUIIII!ll § | Yes, please send HIS to the person | named below: I Npme____________________ ______________. | Address.. ___________________________ £ | City_____________________ State________ . | □ $1.50 for 1 yr. □ $1 for 8 mo. | HIS—DEPT. K, «4 E. LAKE ST., 1 CHICAGO i, ILLINOIS




START PREPARING FOR YOUR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PEARL DIVING EXPEDITION Ethel 6. Hansen A cruise that presents the salva­ tion story. Officers, Passengers, Staterooms, Decks, Tickets, Galley, and ■ Brig all contribute to the nautical atmosphere. Plan book- jet for use of Captain containing instructions for making ship, con­ test posters, etc., together with set of 10 lessons—one set for each officer who will Instruct. $3.50. Customers in California add 2y

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