King's Business - 1945-05



CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 cents per word—minimum $1.00 LIBRARIES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND Sets purchased £or cash. Write Baker’s Book Store, 1019 Wealthy St., Grand Rapids, 6, Mich, CORRECT AND SINGABLE MU$IC SET- ting tor your hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arran?®4, edited and printed. New books. Poetic Metre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918, Raymond Iden (KB) Mount Vernon, Ohio. WE PAY CASH FOR PARTIAL OR CQM- plet? libraries ot religious books and sets. Send list. Kregel’s Bookstore. 525 Eastern Ave., S.E., Grand Rapids 6, Mich. E V E R Y CHRISTIAN SHOULD KNOW how to write articles, feature items, and stories. Special 60-day course tor $3.00. Your writings during the course criticized free. Otter limited. Send $3.00 to cover total cost today.. Pacific School of Journalism, 1311% E. 14th St., Long Beach 6, Calif. EARN BEAUTIFUL WHITE BIBLE OR Testament selling Scripture stationery, 25c packet. Samples free. Providence Press. 1218 Virginia. Sioux City 19. Iowa.________ NEW SQN(5S—"GOD BLESS OUR BOYS,” music by Mrs. Helen :Howard Lemroel, author of “ Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” ; “ Someone Somew’here,” music by Mrs. George Bennard, wife of author of “ Old Rugged Cross” ; . “ Lead Me to .Qalvary’.s Fountain." Folder of three songs 15c, two for 25c. Order from author, Rev. Gottfried Stone, 11?6% So. Normandie, Los Angeles, 6, or Biqla Book Room, 658 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13.________- _____________ HELP WANTED. FEMALE CHRISTIAN to collect auh work with Young People for a religious organization. Located on the Eastern Seashore. Good climate, good otter. None but Christians need apply. Experience at collecting not essential but preferred. Give age, experience and particulars in first letter. 'Apply Box No. 728, King's Business, '558 South Hope St., Los Angles 13, Calif.________________________________ - S I N inthe LIGHT OF THE CROSS “ Dr. Kllnk’s most powerful , evangelistic sermon”—C. H. Baker. 90th thousand. 12 pages. 10 cent*. OTTO J . KLINK 42$ N.E. 47th Si., Miami 38, Fla.

100 MORE RUSSIAN BIBLES have been sent to prisoners-of-war camps'in Europe. In the French camps there is a great revival; many conversions and baptisms. In Germany among the Russian and French prisoners it has also started. Bibles and tracts are being sent straight into Russia, and a revival is be­ ginning there. Such is the news from our workers in Paris. Let us be prepared for a world-wide revival. Will you have part in it? Send your contributions to the RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Inc, 1844 W. Monroe St., Room 2, Chicago 12, III., Col, F. J. Milei, International Sec'y "The Friend of Russian*’’ will tell you more— ask for It

TenneseeMountain Mission

LANTERN SLIDES Your snapshot^, films or slides can be re* produced by me on beautifully coloreti glass slides 2"x2" (35mm) or 3H "x4". 1 receive repeat orders from the largest auditorium in this pity. Lowest reasonable rates to missionaries and 'Christian workers. Phone CLeveland 66129 or send stamped addressed envelope. (No lists at present). C. WHITFIELD SIMS

Undenominational Faith Mission Our work comprises Gospel Meetings, Visi­ tation of Homes, Child Evangelism Glasses, Founding of Sunday Schools, Bible Memory ^Program in schools of 2.0 counties. Awards given children. Final Award, week at Camp. Pray for this needy field. Correspondence invited. Write. Rev. A. J. Levengood, Box 45, Dayton, Tenn.

6176 Myosotis St,

Lo's Angeles 42, Calif,


FAITHFUL TOGOD'S WORD Lesson Quarterlies sought and. loved by many. Cover every Department and follow the International Lesson topics. Also Leaflets and S. S. Papers. The Bible Expositor and Illuminator A full and complete Lesson Commentary. 192 pages—3 Monthly Parts each quarter—768 pages a year. Each Lesson carefully introduced and treated verse by verse. A wide vari­ ety of valuable suggestions. All thematerial is Christ-centered. ☆ Write for Sample Lesson U nion G o spel P r ess , Cleveland, Ohio

For the best in Sunday School classrecord books» use Dietz perfection binders and sheets. Space provided lor complete year's record on. one sheet. For description of styles and prices» and Two-Ppint Class Card Envelopes» write for our free catalog. House of a Thousand Things for Church and Sunday School* WM. H. DIETZ» Inc. 10So. Wabash Ave Dept. 103 Chicago 3» IIL

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