King's Business - 1945-05

...Th e se natives hear the Word from a H/lnody- trained missionary

A land untouched by the gospel. . . desperate need among the unevangelized tribes of French-lndo China . . . Who would meet the challenge? God had the man. He was trained for the job . . . versed in the Word, schooled in missionary methods, prepared to cope with unusual conditions . . . a gradu­ ate of the Missionary Course of Moody Bible Institute. First years were difficult . . . dangerous. But results came . . hundreds of natives were brought to Christ, chapels were built, native evangelists trained . . . the light of the gospel was shed abroad in the darkness. Glorious results . . . and it’s your privilege to have a share in them. You become a partner in the work of missionaries, pastors and other Christian workers all over the world . . . when you help to provide the tui­ tion-free training that equips them for service. That’s your part in soul-winning!

You can support th e Institute m inistry in differen t mays . . . b y cash gifts, b y a b eq u est in you r will, or b y taking a M oody Annuity. The M oody A nn u ity plan offers you special adoantages. It provides a regular, sure and generous retu rn ...p lu s th e know ledge th a t you r m on ey is a t work in th e Lord’s service.

153 INSTITUTE P L A C E , C H IC A G O 10, ILLIN O IS, DEPT. K 761 Gentlemen: Please send me the booklet DOU B LE D IVID ENDS without obligation on my part. A lso booklet A , I am under 20.

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This is one of a series of messages telling the story o f the Institute ministry

M O O D Y B I B L E I N S T I T U T E • C H I C A G O , I O

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