Professional June 2022


● milestone payments during implementation ● annual costs ● increases. Don’t be afraid to ask for service credits and for your data to be provided in a specific format on termination. Check local in-country providers (ICPs) – how are they managed and how does their technology fit with a global vendor’s middleware for aggregation? 4. RFX First, feel out the market and go with a request for information to understand what vendors can offer at a high level. Then, when you’ve shortlisted, move to a request for proposal (RFP). Consider the following categories and ensure your key stakeholders have represented their areas: ● service and support ● governance ● data and security (infosec) ● processing ● absence management, including time and attendance ● self-service ● global mobility

● implementation ● training ● commercials ● ICPs and offshoring ● country-specific requirements. Please refer to Figure 2.

● approach and timescale (include a high- level plan) ● risks and issues ● options and recommendations ● costs and return on investment – you can include resource allocation here ● governance ● adding any supporting documents to an appendix. 6. Implementation Develop a delivery structure and approach, design principles, set up a steerco and design authority. Ensure you have sufficient governance in place to manage your project or programme, and provide the business with regular status updates against key milestones. A transformation isn’t a straight line of A to B. It’s likely you’ll have hurdles to overcome that can be stressful. Create a team that works well behaviourally and technically together, and ensure there’s strong and supportive leadership in place. Backfill business as usual roles for business insight, include people from multiple countries and bring in external resource. A blended team of skillsets will add significant insight and value. Create a partnership with your vendor. Be aware of any other projects that have an impact of dependency against yours. Consider the following roles:

5. Business case Put your heart and soul into this – you’re asking the business to sign off on capital expenditure investment for a transformation. What are the benefits? Offer decision makers options, recommendations and outline risks for all. Know your stakeholders and the resource you’ll need. Consider: ● project definition and background – what are you trying to achieve and why? ● objectives ● scope (what’s in and what’s out) ● expected outcome – business benefits ● dependencies and assumptions A blended team of skillsets will add significant insight and value

● change management ● solution architecture ● data migration.

Enjoy the journey, have fun, learn and utilise the strong skillsets around you to deliver a quality solution, on time and within budget. n


| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 81 | June 2022

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