GLLC 2020 Virtual Meetings Briefing Book

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some states, counties, and municipalities have banned the use of coal tar sealcoats and

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other high-PAH sealants; and


the American Medical Association has adopted a policy advocating for legislation to either ban the use of pavement sealants that contain PAHs or require that sealant

products used contain minimal PAHs; and


the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus is organized around the guiding principle of ensuring the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River continue to provide a plentiful source of clean, affordable water to the region’s residents, businesses, and industries, as well as promoting the restoration, protection, economy, and sustainable use

of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River; and


coal tar sealcoats pose a significant danger to residents’ drinking water and to aquatic habitats in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, jeopardizing the health of our citizens

and our environment; now therefore be it 52 53 RESOLVED , that the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus educate GLLC members about the 54 dangers of coal-tar-based sealcoats and other high-PAH sealants and encourage the 55 banning of these products. 56


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