GLLC 2020 Virtual Meetings Briefing Book


Great Lakes States / Provinces

Filter First strategy

• Michigan introduced Filter First legislation for schools and child care facilities • Illinois – 1x sampling, notify if >5ppb, no remediation required • New York – Sample every 5 years; remediate over 15 ppb • Minnesota – Sample every 5 years; remediate over 20 ppb, notify over 2 ppb • Indiana – 1x sampling, remediate over 15 ppb • Pennsylvania – recommends annual sampling, recommendation to remediate over 15 ppb. Must discuss at a public meeting if school decides not to sample • Ohio and Wisconsin – voluntary, action level at 15 ppb • Michigan introduced a testing bill, has a voluntary sampling program • Illinois – Must sample every year until 2 consecutive tests show no lead; action level is 2 ppb • Wisconsin introduced a childcare testing bill that did not pass • Michigan introduced a testing bill

Lead in water testing in schools

Lead in water testing in child care facilities

• Coronavirus shutdowns increase risk of lead and bacteria in stagnant water in schools and workplaces • Water shutoff moratoria and water restoration orders affect risk of lead release and household water quality • Michigan, Indiana, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin

• Point of Use filter standard NSF 53 for lead has been revised to be more protective • Plumbing device standard NSF 61 has been revised to reduce lead leaching in “lead-free” devices that contain up to 0.25% lead by weight • EPA finalized the Use of Lead Free Pipes, Fittings, Fixtures, Solder, and Flux for Drinking Water Rule requiring certification for plumbing materials intended for drinking water. • EPA Lead and Copper Rule Revisions expected to be finalized in Fall 2020

• Federal infrastructure funding stimulus bills include funding targeted for lead service line replacement

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