GLLC 2020 Virtual Meetings Briefing Book

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the states and provinces rightfully consider exposure to lead in paint and soil to be a public health issue, and therefore have established policies and programs that are making tangible albeit limited progress to remedy this widespread problem; and


the harmful health effects of exposure to lead are similar regardless of whether the source of the contamination is paint, soil, or drinking water; and


exposure to lead in drinking water is a public health issue with the potential to affect all people, but most commonly afflicts children already disadvantaged by low socioeconomic status; and remedying the problem of lead in drinking water requires a holistic approach that begins with a clear understanding of the scope of the problem, including the disproportionate impacts on children and adults at greatest risk; now therefore be it


RESOLVED, that the members of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Legislative Caucus (GLLC) do hereby commit to collaborate regionally on policy measures in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence states and provinces to reduce lead in drinking water in order to reduce the population’s exposure to and contamination from lead; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the specific measures the states and provinces will seek to implement will be delineated in a GLLC action plan for 2019-2020; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the GLLC will assess progress toward this regional goal in 2020 for the purpose of identifying opportunities for continued collaboration in 2021-2022 to further reduce the population’s exposure to lead in drinking water.

Adopted on September 22, 2018.

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