Kevin Patrick Law - January 2022

3 Things to Include in Your Post-Workout Meal

There’s plenty of emphasis lately on what you should eat before a workout, but not so much about after a workout. What you eat after exercising is just as essential for maximizing your workout’s effectiveness. After intensive exercise, many of us will feel hungry and turn to just about anything to satiate our hunger, but the wrong food could negate the effects of our workouts. During your workout, you will use up your body’s carbohydrates and the glucose stored in your muscles. A proper post- workout meal, including the right fluids, is necessary to replenish these nutrients. When preparing the perfect post-workout meal, there are three areas you should focus on. PROTEIN Including protein in your post-workout meal is important to repair and build

muscle. Muscle tissues get broken down during exercise, and protein helps put them back together stronger than before. Eggs, tuna, chicken, and Greek yogurt are great sources of protein and should be implemented into your post-workout meal. CARBS Carbs are essential for replenishing your body’s glycogen levels. Glycogen is the fuel that helps keep us moving and active. If you feel exhausted and hungry after a workout, it’s usually your body telling you that your glycogen levels are low. Including carbs such as sweet potatoes, rice, oatmeal, pasta, and chocolate milk in your post- workout meal will help you feel energized and ready to continue with your day. FLUIDS You should always drink water while working out and continue to do so after

your exercise is complete. Water regulates your body temperature, lubricates your joints, and transports nutrients throughout your body. In one hour of exercise, your body can lose more than a quarter of its water. Continue to drink water or other hydrating drinks after your workout to replenish your missing fluids. Lastly, avoid having a giant fast-food meal after exercising. There are plenty of options for preparing a truly beneficial post-workout meal, so find what makes you feel your best and what you enjoy most and run with it.


Some people view Martin Luther King Jr. Day as just another Monday off from work, but here in Atlanta, Dr. King’s legacy is still alive and well — especially at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. If you’ve never visited, you’re missing out! Visitors can stroll through the Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Collection. It’s a stunning display that includes the civil rights hero’s photographs, books

Whether you have young children to educate on King’s legacy or just want to learn more about the minister, activist, and “I Have a Dream” speechwriter yourself, the National Center for Civil and Human Rights is a great first stop. It’s located at 100 Ivan Allan Jr. Blvd. here in Atlanta, and visitors can stop by from 12–5 p.m. on Thursday, Friday, or Sunday, or on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Be sure to plan your trip in advance

To learn more about the Center, buy your tickets, check out upcoming events, or take a virtual tour, visit You can also pick up one of the books on the Center’s list of “Recommended Reading” for fans of MLK Jr.: • “African Battleline: American Policy Choices in Southern Africa” by Waldemar A. Nielsen • “Autobiography” or “The Story of My Experiments with Truth” by Mahatma Gandhi • “Education of Negroes in Ohio” by Frederick Alphonso McGinnis • “The South Since Appomattox: A Century of Regional Change” by Thomas Dionysius Clark

(1,000 of them!), handwritten notes, and other items from the years 1964–1968. There’s also a beautiful MLK-inspired art piece in the gallery. As the Center puts it, “‘Fragments’ is an art installation featuring metal

and purchase tickets. Even though the museum is open until 5 p.m., visitors have to arrive by 4 p.m. to get in. MLK Jr. is definitely the star of the Center, but he isn’t the only activist it highlights. If you visit, you can also

shapes engraved with King’s words in his distinctive handwriting. Designed by Paula Scher and Abbot Miller, the piece captures King’s ideas as they developed on paper.”

check out the full history of the U.S. civil rights movement and learn about other human rights struggles around the world.

You can always reach Kevin directly at 404.566.8964 or (If you ever need it, his cell phone is 404.409.3160.)

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