ransforming Lives Through Comprehensive Care
A rise Recovery & Behavioral Health in Geor- gia offers a comprehensive approach to treat- ing addiction and co-occurring mental health conditions. Founded by Larry Jenkins as a So- ber Living facility in 2017, Arise has since been transforming lives through its quality, compre- hensive substance abuse treatment and mental health services.
Larry Jenkins Founder/CEO
At Arise Recovery & Behavioral Health, the mission is to provide a safe and structured environment where individuals struggling with alcoholism and addiction can de- velop the skills and tools necessary to achieve long-term recovery. The organization's experienced staff serves as positive role models, ed- ucators, and leaders, guiding resi- dents on their path to recovery. The services provided by Arise en- compass a wide range of support, including individual counseling, marriage and family counseling, af- tercare groups, psychiatric evalua-
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