Biola Broadcaster - 1965-02

are actually helping Him: If you and I took this passage to heart we might well treat some people differently. We wouldn’t look upon them as “dirt,” but rather consider them as we would Jesus Christ Himself. The Lord is ap­ pealing for His love to be expressed in and through you and me. We are nQt only to love in tongue and word but also in deed and truth. Do you believe that you are loving the Lord Jesus only to discover that you are really loving an abstract con-

If you brood over your troubles you will only hatch dispair. * * * CHRISTIAN SERVICE A veterinarian once suggested that a dog which is tied up will often de­ velop a bad disposition. It only wants to growl , snarl and bite. Similarly a soul that is in bondage reacts the same way. A Christian who answers a disagreeable word with a disagree­ able word is like a tethered, snarling dog. The Christian is one who should really love to answer railing words with words of blessing. He will an­ swer a hateful gla/nce with a smile, or answer cursing with a prayer. Here at Biola, in our program of training these nearly 1,100 students, we not only have classroom preparation for the young people, but also a means of sending them forth into various types of Christian service during their time of training, where they may give a ready witness for the Saviour. * * * Reformation is like putting a new shirt on a man, but regeneration is like putting ■ new man in a shirt. * * * GOD'S DELIVERY When the slaves were emancipated in the British West Indies, there was great joy and jubilation. It was not only a new year, but also a new era in their lives. On the night before the day of their freedom, thousands gath­ ered together for prayer and praise to God. Some went to nearby hilltops to catch the first glimpse of the dawn­ ing. When it first glimmered on the horizon, they knew that the day of de­ liverance had truly come. From the promise of prophetic Scripture, such truths are deeply engrained in the hearts of our nearly 1,100 Biola stu­ dents. As they go forth to serve, they do so with the fervent exhortation, “The night is far spent, the day is at hand.” “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” * * * Where the road is straight, don't look for a short-cut.


I dosed another chapter In my book of life today, And paused for meditation As i lay the book away.

I thought of smudgy pages Where the record was not clear, And dreary lines of trouble Clouded o'er by doubt and fear. It's now too late to alter Any script that's dried and set: The story's far from perfect, But it's vain to stew and fret. I asked the Lord to pardon The mistakes that mar the book, And give me grace and courage While, hopeful, Christ-ward look. So now, there lies before me A new- chapter clean and white. And I hope to write its pages So the plot will turn out right. I trust the final chapters Will the Master's plan reveal,. And weave the many fragments To depict a life that's real. cept? Do you love those about you for His sake? May everyone of us be faithful to our stewardship as individ­ ual believers, even as God, on a na­ tional scale, will hold responsible those who have the social welfare of a na­ tion in their power and at their com­ mand. As believers, in this day of grace, we have the high privilege of being an example of what the Lord would have stewards of the earth to be.


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