to be ministered unto, but to minis ter, and to give his life a ransom for many.” “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” The result of those who had hardened their hearts, however, is to be given up. Since these people were rejecting the plain simple truth Christ preached, He began to put His messages in para bles. In this way the “pearls” were hidden from others who wouldn’t be lieve, so that even greater condemna tion would be their portion. The same sun which melts the wax hardens the day. It is not the result of the sun but it is the condition of the sub stance upon which the sun falls. Q , Pasadena, California — “I would like you to explain Hebrews 12:17. Why was Esau rejected?” A. Esau was ready to sell his birth right for little or nothing. Jacob, through his scheming purpose and de sire, actually received it. In the won derful grace of God, the younger brother was in the line of Messianic blessing. Esau really had no change in his oyn mind. By carefully study ing the passage in Genesis there is some very strong language used where Isaac discovers what has taken place. But remember that God had told Rebecca and Isaac that “the elder shall serve the younger.” Jacob, how ever, did not want to await God’s time. Q . Tucson, Arizona — “What is meant by ‘Paradise,’ and are there people there now?” A. There are several words used in the New Testament translated in vari ous ways. There is Hades which is simply the abode of the dead. There is Gehenna which is the place of fire and eternal punishment of Satan and all who choose to go with him. There is Paradise which apparently refers to a portion of Sheol where the spirits of the righteous dead dwelt prior to the ascension of our Lord. We do not be lieve that Paradise is inhabited now. For Scriptural proof we read Ephe sians 4:8, “Wherefore he saith (re ferring to Christ), When he ascended 28
lieveth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” The term “greater” here means extensively, not intensive ly or intrinsically. From a physical point of view we cannot do greater works than did our blessed Saviour. Christians are able, however, to do works more extensively as they min ister around the world. There is also another interesting thought here. The Lord was performing physical mira cles but it is left to us, generally speak ing, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to present His glorious Gospel of re deeming grace. Spiritual birth is a greater miracle than physical restora tion. Q. Pomona, California — “I need help in understanding a problem with two verses. In Mark U:12 we read, ‘That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.’ My question here is, why didn’t Christ want the people to be converted?” A. This is a strange and incorrect conclusion. One must always study the context rather than removing the truth from its setting. This same truth is indicated in Matthew 13:14 con cerning the parable of the kingdom. The quotation comes from Isaiah 6 :9- 10. The prophet responded to God’s call and saw the magnitude of his task. The thanklessness of it was also re vealed for the people would not listen to the message from the Lord. They actually would become hardened to the truth. In the Old Testament a result is often spoken of as though it were the objective of the purpose. The thought is here that the people are so obstinate that they will not hear or understand. Simple reason, in addi tion to Scripture, plainly reveals that the Lord Jesus Christ didn’t come to this earth so that people might not be converted. The Saviour said, “I am come that they might have, life, and that they might have it more abun dantly.” “The Son of man came not
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