Biola Broadcaster - 1965-02

to note that the one who had two tal­ ents didn’t worry about the one who had five or vice versa. They went about their business and turned their gifts into a profit. Here were practical and diligent workers. All God requires is that, with His power, we do the very best we can. Some reader may be very practical minded and can earn money. Another may be gifted in teaching. Still another may be gifted in taking care of children. I have a friend who hasn’t too much formal education but who has a tremendous natural aptitude for E'en as He hath led me all the way, Along life's twisted, tangled trails, I shall not miss the way. I shall not miss the way, In joy or sorrow, In all life's changing scenes of grief and woe, M y Lord will lead me to a bright tomorrow, And there my Saviour I shall fully know. I shall not miss the way, For He will lead me. And when death's angel summons me to come, Christ will go with me through the darkened valley. Safely taking me Home. — Emma A. Williams business. One time he said to me, “Ralph, I wish I knew the Word of God like you do. I wish I could get into Greek words and see what mean­ ings the. Lord has for us. But that doesn’t seem to be my gift.” I re­ sponded with a smile, “You needn’t be envious. The Lord has blessed you in other ways. You can earn money to help support the Gospel ministry, and in this manner we can be partners to­ gether. You do the planting, I do a little watering, and the Lord gives the increase.” We can admire talents oth- I SHALL NOT MISS THE WAY I shall not miss the way, For He will lead me.

Dr. Richard Chase, head of the Biola College Speech Department, brings a message from God's Word to Biola staff members during at recent gathering on Campus. er people have, but let us not be en­ vious or jealous. All that God re­ quires is that we use the talents He has given to His glory and to the blessing of others. But look at the sad note which comes into the parable. Verse 18 reads, “But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money.” He was not willing to take an opportunity with the others but was cautious to the point of sel­ fishness. Because he exercised no faith in practice, he lost the one tal­ ent he did have. Let me ask you, “What are you doing with your tal­ ent? Are you just hoarding it, afraid to let it be used?” The other day I saw a woman in a wheel chair. She was not able to walk. She could have been gloomy and downcast, however, in talking with her she declared, “Mr. Keiper, I’m not able to walk physically and be­ cause of that I’ve learned much bet­ ter how to walk with the Lord Jesus. I suppose, since you aren’t able to see well physically, that you’ve learned to see spiritually much better than be­ fore.” Her affliction was not a handi­ cap for she had capitalized on it for the glory of the Lord. You can do the same as you commit your life and pur­ pose to the Lord day by day. 4

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