We might wonder why. The answer is that since he could not be trusted be cause of his lack of integrity, the BROKEN Jesus the Mighty One, broken for me, Open my eyes, afresh I would see The cross in its fulness life-giving and free, Jesus the Mighty One, break even me. Saviour, how often Thou hearest me say, “Oh! send a revival, as humbly I pray;“ Vet I in my sin, drive the blessing away, But now Lord, just break me, and have thine own way. Each petty resentment will just have to go. And every harsh thought must be cleansed Lord, I know. This critical “ 1“ must needs be brought low. If Thy love, through me Lord, to others would flow. At last precious Lord, I'm beginning to see Just what it will mean to be “broken" for Thee. I know it will cost, but I shall be free, For the blood of Thy cross alone is my plea. I would be kept, Lord, so close to the cross, That each tiny hindrance shall burn up as dross And as I draw nearer, there shall be no loss. Just Holy Spirit blessing at Christ's own cross. Then shadowed by Calvary, onward I 9 °, Praising-rejoicing, for now Lord I know That the secret of blessing is keeping down low, For as I am "broken," I shall over flow. — Nell Hawkins
Although the patient has received numerous shots, he never seems to get better. These are students in the Biola School ot Missionary Medicine, receiv ing important information in all phases of treatment so that their ministry on the foreign field may be even more effective for the Lord. experience, I thought the problem of prayer was my learning to trust God. I now see that this really isn’t the case. I personally believe the main problem is, “Can God trust me with what He would have me do?” This is the entire point of this parable. If God cannot trust you with little things, He will never give you the op portunity to be trusted with greater things. In verse 29 we get the message, “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abun dance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” Are you willing to carry out the responsibility which goes with the privilege of receiving? The parable concludes with the tragic denunciation, “And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer dark ness : there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” What a tragic separation through loss of fellowship. Maybe you have no joy and feel as though you have been abandoned. Can it be that you have not been ex ercising your privilege and responsi bility for Christ? Have you made it impossible for God to trust you? Why don’t you say, “Lord Jesus, I will be faithful in the small things, and then you can trust me with whatever you desire.” When He sees you mean busi ness He will give you the talents and the abilities to fulfill your every task. 8
money was given to someone who had proven his ability and faithfulness. In the early days of my Christian
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