2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog






9-2 Business-Level Cooperative Strategy 286 9-2a Complementary Strategic Alliances 286 9-2b Competition Response Strategy 288 9-2c Uncertainty-Reducing Strategy 289 Strategic Focus Tesla Losing Critical Strategic Alliances and Experiencing Challenges Creating Efficient Operations 290 9-2d Competition-Reducing Strategy 291 9-2e Assessing Business-Level Cooperative Strategies 292 9-3 Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategy 292

7-4 Effective Acquisitions 225 7-5 Restructuring 227

7-5a Downsizing 227 7-5b Downscoping 227 7-5c Leveraged Buyouts 228 7-5d Restructuring Outcomes 228 Summary 230 ● Key Terms 230 ● Review Questions 231 ● Mini-Case 231 ● Notes 232 8: International Strategy 238 Opening Case: Netflix Achieves Substantial Growth through International Expansion, But Such Growth Also Is Attracting Significant Competition 239 8-1 Identifying International Opportunities 241 8-1a Incentives to Use International Strategy 241 8-1b Three Basic Benefits of International Strategy 243 8-2 International Strategies 245 8-2a International Business-Level Strategy 245 8-2b International Corporate-Level Strategy 248 Strategic Focus Ikea’s Global Strategy in the Age of Digitalization and Urbanization 250 8-3 Environmental Trends 252 8-3a Liability of Foreignness 252 8-3b Regionalization 253 8-4 Choice of International Entry Mode 254

9-3a Diversifying Strategic Alliance 293 9-3b Synergistic Strategic Alliance 293 9-3c Franchising 293 9-3d Assessing Corporate-Level Cooperative Strategies 294

9-4 International Cooperative Strategy 294 Strategic Focus The Cross-Border Alliance between Ford and Mahindra: Developing the Automobile of the Future 296 9-5 Network Cooperative Strategy 297 9-5a Alliance Network Types 297 9-6 Competitive Risks with Cooperative Strategies 298 9-7 Managing Cooperative Strategies 300 Summary 301 ● Key Terms 302 ● Review Questions 302 ● Mini-Case 302 ● Notes 304 Part 3: Strategic Actions: Strategy Implementation 310 10: Corporate Governance 310 Opening Case: Shareholder Activists and Corporate Governance 311 10-1 Separation of Ownership and Managerial Control 314 10-1a Agency Relationships 315 10-1b Product Diversification as an Example of an Agency Problem 316 Strategic Focus General Electric’s Complex Diversification Strategy Makes Evaluation Difficult for Board Directors 318 10-1c Agency Costs and Governance Mechanisms 319 10-2 Ownership Concentration 320 10-2a The Increasing Influence of Institutional Owners 321 10-3 Board of Directors 322 10-3a Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors 324 10-3b Executive Compensation 325 10-3c The Effectiveness of Executive Compensation 325 10-4 Market for Corporate Control 326 Strategic Focus Has More Governance Scrutiny Made Large CEO Compensation Packages More Reasonable? 327 10-4a Managerial Defense Tactics 329 10-5 International Corporate Governance 330

8-4a Exporting 255 8-4b Licensing 255 8-4c Strategic Alliances 256 8-4d Acquisitions 257

8-4e New Wholly Owned Subsidiary 258 8-4f Dynamics of Mode of Entry 259 8-5 Risks in an International Environment 260

8-5a Political Risks 260 8-5b Economic Risks 261 Strategic Focus The Global Delivery Services Industry: Economic Disruption of Tariffs and Trade Wars 262 8-6 Strategic Competitiveness Outcomes 263 8-6a International Diversification and Returns 264 8-6b Enhanced Innovation 264 8-7 The Challenge of International Strategies 265 8-7a Complexity of Managing International Strategies 265 8-7b Limits to International Expansion 265 Summary 266 ● Key Terms 267 ● Review Questions 267 ● Mini-Case 268 ● Notes 270 9: Cooperative Strategy 278 Opening Case: Google’s Diversified Alliance Portfolio: A Response to Competitors and an Attempt to Be a Dominant Force 279 9-1 Strategic Alliances as a Primary Type of Cooperative Strategy 281 9-1a Types of Major Strategic Alliances 281 9-1b Reasons Firms Develop Strategic Alliances 283

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