2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog


Article III — BILL OF RIGHTS (1) Concept of a bill of rights, 48; (2) Rights of an individual subordinate to general welfare, 48; (3) Classification of constitutional rights, 49. Section 1 (1) Meaning of due process of law, 50; (2) Aspects of due process of law, 51; (3) Meaning of equal protection of the laws, 52. Section 2 (1) Meaning of search warrant and warrant of arrest, 53; (2) Requisites for valid search warrant or warrant of arrest, 53; (3) Meaning of probable cause, 54; (4) When search and seizure may be made without warrant, 54; (5) When arrest may be made without warrant, 55. Section 3 (1) Meaning of right of privacy, 55; (2) Limitations on the right, 56; (3) Illegally obtained evidence not admissible, 56. Section 4 (1) Meaning of freedom of speech, of expression, and of the press, 57; (2) Scope of terms “speech,” “expression,” and “press,” 57; (3) Freedom of expression not absolute, 57; (4) Meaning of right of assembly and right of petition, 58. Section 5 (1) Meaning of religious freedom, 58; (2) Meaning of religion, 59; (3) Aspects of religious freedom, 59; (4) Freedom of religious profession and worship, 59; (5) Religious test prohibited, 60. Section 6 (1) Meaning of liberty of abode and travel, 60; (2) Limitations on the right, 61. Section 7 Right to information on matters of public concern, 61. Section 8 (1) Right to form associations, etc., 62; (2) Limitations on the right, 62. Section 9 (1) Meaning of eminent domain, 63; (2) Conditions for or limitations upon its exercise, 63.

Section 15

Right of the people to health, 36.

Section 16 (1) Right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology, 36; (2) Growing threat of global warming, 38. Section 17 Priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture, and sports, 40. Section 18 Labor as a primary social and economic force, 40. Section 19 Self-reliant and independent national economy, 40. Section 20 Role of the private sector in the economy, 40. Section 21 Comprehensive rural development and agrarian reform, 41. Section 22 Rights of indigenous cultural communities, 41. Section 23 Non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations, 42. Section 24 Vital role of communication and information in nation-building, 43. Section 25 Autonomy of local governments, 43. Section 26 Equal access to opportunities for public service, 44. Section 27 Honesty and integrity in public service, 45. Section 28 Full disclosure by the State of all its transactions, 47.




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