2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog


Section 10 (1) Meaning of obligation of a contract, 64; (2) When obligation of contract impaired, 64. Section 11 (1) Right to free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies, 65; (2) Right to adequate legal assistance, 65. Section 12 Rights of person under investigation, 66. Section 13 (1) Meaning of bail, 67; (2) Purpose and form of bail, 67; (3) Meaning of capital offense, 67; (4) Meaning of recognizance, 67; (5) Right to bail, 67; (6) When right cannot be invoked, 68; (7) Right against excessive bail, 68. Section 14 (1) Right to due process of law in criminal cases, 69; (2) Right to presumption of innocence, 70; (3) Statutory presumptions of guilt, 70; (4) Right to be heard by himself and counsel, 70; (5) Right to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation, 71; (6) Right to have a speedy, impartial, and public trial, 71; (7) Right to confrontation of witnesses, 72; (8) Right to compulsory production of witnesses and evidence, 73; (9) Trial in absentia, 73. Section 15 (1) Meaning of writ of habeas corpus, 74; (2) Purpose of the writ, 74; (3) How writ operates, 74; (4) Suspension of the privilege of the writ, 75. Section 16 Right to speedy disposition of cases, 75. Section 17 Right against self-incrimination, 76. Section 18 (1) Right against detention solely by reason of political beliefs and aspirations, 76; (2) Meaning of involuntary servitude, 77; (3) Servitude not embraced in prohibition, 77. Section 19 (1) Right against excessive fines, 78; (2) Right against cruel, degrading, or inhuman punishment, 78; (3) Imposition of the death penalty, 79.

Section 20 (1) Meaning of debt, 79; (2) Purpose of prohibition against imprisonment for debt, 80; (3) Prohibition limited to contractual obligation only, 80; (4) Meaning of poll tax, 80; (5) Purpose of prohibition against imprisonment for non-payment of poll tax, 80. Section 21 (1) Right against double jeopardy, 81; (2) Classes of double jeopardy, 82. Section 22 (1) Meaning of ex post facto law, 82; (2) Meaning of bill of attainder, 83. Article IV — CITIZENSHIP Section 1 (1) Meaning of certain terms, 84; (2) General ways of acquiring citizenship, 85; (3) Citizens by birth, 85; (4) Citizens at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, 85; (5) Citizens by blood or parentage, 86; (6) Citizens by election, 86; (7) Citizens by naturalization, 87. Section 2 Natural-born citizens, 87. Section 3 (1) Loss of citizenship, 88; (2) Reacquisition of lost Philippine citizenship, 89. Section 4 Effect of marriage of citizen to an alien, 89. Section 5 (1) Dual allegiance of citizens, 90; (2) Retention and reacquisition of citizenship, 90. Article V — SUFFRAGE Section 1 (1) Meaning of suffrage, 93; (2) Nature of suffrage, 93; (3) Scope of suffrage, 94; (4) Persons qualified and disqualified to vote, 94; (5) Substantive requirements prohibited, 95. Section 2 (1) System for securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot, 97; (2) System for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos, 97.




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