2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog



Section 17

Electoral Tribunal in each House, 120.

(1) Meaning of legislative power, 99; (2) Meaning of law, 99; (3) Need for law, 100; (4) Legislative power vested in Congress, 100; (5) Advan- tages of bicameralism, 100; (6) Disadvantages of bicameralism, 100; (7) Scope of legislative power of Congress, 101; (8) Non-legislative functions of Congress, 101; (9) Principle of separation of powers, 103; (10) Principle of checks and balances, 103. Sections 2-4 The Senate, 105. Sections 5-7 (1) The House of Representatives, 107; (2) Number and election/ selection of members of the House of Representatives, 107; (3) Conditions for apportionment of elected representatives, 108; (4) Basis of apportionment, 109; (5) Party-list and sectoral representatives, 109; (6) Meaning of representation, 111; (7) Proper duty of a representative, 111. Sections 8-9 Kinds of election of members of Congress, 112. Section 10 Salaries of the members of Congress, 112. Section 11 (1) Privilege from arrest, 113; (2) Parliamentary immunity, 113. Section 12 Disclosure of financial and business interests, 114. Section 13 Prohibited offices, 114. Section 14 Disqualifications and prohibitions, 115. Section 15 Sessions/meetings of Congress, 116. Section 16 (1) Officers of Congress, 117; (2) Meaning of quorum, 117; (3) Basis of quorum in each House, 117; (4) Adjournment in absence of quorum, 118; (5) Rules of proceedings, 118; (6) Punishment of members, 118; (7) Legislative journal, 119; (8) Adjournment of either House without consent of the other, 119.

Sections 18-19 Commission on Appointments in Congress, 120. Section 20 Records and books of accounts, 121. Section 21 Power of legislative inquiry and investigation, 122. Section 22 Appearance of heads of departments before each House, 123. Section 23 (1) Power to declare existence of a state of war, 124; (2) Delegation of emergency powers, 124. Section 24 (1) Meaning of terms, 125; (2) Bills which must originate exclusively in the House of Representatives, 125. Section 25 (1) Meaning of budget, 126; (2) Increase of appropriations recommended by the President, 127; (3) Prohibition against riders, 127; (4) Standard procedure in approving appropriations, 127; (5) Requirements with respect to special appropriations bill, 128; (6) Prohibition against transfer of funds, 128; (7) Rule as to discretionary funds, 128; (8) Automatic reappropriation, 129. Section 26 (1) Meaning of bill, 129; (2) Meaning of statute, 130; (3) One-bill- one-subject requirement, 130; (4) Purpose of three (3) readings requirement, 130; (5) Purpose of requirement that yeas and nays be entered in the journal, 130. Section 27 (1) When bill may become a law, 131; (2) Veto power of the President, 132; (3) Pocket veto not allowed, 132; (4) When partial veto is allowed, 132. Section 28 (1) Meaning of tax, 133; (2) Meaning of taxation, 133; (3) Importance of taxes, 133; (4) Meaning of uniformity in taxation, 134; (5) Meaning of equity in taxation, 134; (6) Progressive system of taxation, 134; (7)




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