2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog


Delegation of taxing power to fix tariff rates, etc., 135; (8) Exemption of certain institutions and properties from taxation, 135; (9) Votes required for grant of tax exemption, 135. Section 29 (1) Necessity of appropriation, 136; (2) Prohibition against use of public money or property for religious purpose, 136; (3) Expenditure of special fund, 137. Section 30 Law increasing appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court, 137. Section 31 Prohibition against granting title of royalty or nobility, 137. Section 32 (1) Meaning of initiative and referendum, 138; (2) Congress to provide a system of initiative and referendum, 138. Article VII — EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Section 1 (1) President, the Executive, 140; (2) Meaning of executive power, 140. Section 2 Qualifications of the President and Vice President, 140. Section 3 The Vice President, 141. Section 4 (1) Election of the President and Vice President, 142; (2) Term of office of the President and Vice President, 143; (3) Term of office distinguished from tenure of office, 143; (4) Re-election of the President and Vice President, 144; (5) Canvassing of returns and proclamation, 144; (6) Election contest involving the position of the President or Vice President, 145. Section 5 Oath or affirmation of the President, Vice President, or Acting President, 146. Section 6 Official residence and compensation of the President and Vice President, 146.

Sections 7-8 (1) Classes of Presidential succession, 148; (2) When Vice President shall act as President, 148; (3) When Vice President shall become President, 149; (4) Where there are no President and Vice President, 149. Section 9 Vacancy in the Office of the Vice President, 150. Section 10 Vacancy in the Office of both the President and Vice President, 151. Section 11 Rules in case of temporary disability of the President, 152. Section 12 When public is to be informed of the President’s state of health, 153. Section 13 (1) Disabilities of President, Vice President, Members of Cabinet, and their deputies and assistants, 154; (2) Rule on nepotism, 154. Section 14 Appointments extended by an Acting President, 155. Section 15 Appointments preceding a presidential election, 155. Section 16 (1) Meaning of appointment, 156; (2) Power of appointment, 156; (3) Kinds of presidential appointments, 157; (4) Ad interim appointments, 158. Section 17 (1) Power of control over all executive departments, bureaus, and offices, 158; (2) Nature of the power of administrative control, 159; (3) Power to insure that the laws be faithfully executed, 159. Section 18 (1) Military power of the President, 160; (2) Powers of President as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, 161; (3) Power to suspend privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, 161; (4) Power to declare martial law, 161; (5) Meaning of martial law, 162; (6) Restrictions on the exercise of the two (2) powers, 162; (7) Effects of a state of martial law, 162.




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