2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog



Section 9 Sectoral representation in local legislative bodies, 234. Section 10 Conditions for creation, etc. of any local unit, 235. Section 11 Creation of special metropolitan political subdivisions, 235. Section 12 Component cities and highly urbanized cities, 236. Section 13 Inter-local cooperation, 236. Section 14 Regional development councils or other similar bodies, 237. AUTONOMOUS REGIONS Section 15 Creation of autonomous regions, 238. Section 16 General supervisory power of the President over autonomous regions, 238. Section 17 Residual powers vested in the National Government, 238. Section 18 Enactment and ratification of an organic act for each autonomous region, 239. Section 19 Time frame for the passage of organic acts, 240. Section 20 Legislative powers of autonomous regions, 241. Section 21 Preservation of peace and order within the region, 241.

(1) Composition of the Commission, 222; (2) Qualifications of members, 223; (3) Appointment and terms of office, 223; (4) Purpose of the Commission, 223. Section 2 Powers and functions of the Commission, 224. Section 3 Exemption of any government entity or its subsidiary, 226. Section 4 Submission of report to the President and Congress, 227. Article X — LOCAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1 (1) Units of local government, 228; (2) Reasons for creation of local governments, 229. Section 2 Promotion of local autonomy, 229. Section 3 (1) Enactment of a local government code, 230; (2) System of recall, initiative, and referendum, 231. Section 4 (1) Power of general supervision of President over local govern- ments, 231; (2) Power of supervision of superior local units, 232. Section 5 Revenue and taxing power of local government, 232. Section 6 Automatic release of share of national taxes, 233. Section 7 Share in proceeds of utilization and development of national wealth, 233. Section 8 Term of elective local officials, 234.




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