2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog


2019 04-LB-00224-0 978-971-23-9260-3 Reference





Preface .......................................................................................... iii Guide to abbreviations and citations ........................................ v INTRODUCTION A. CONCEPTS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT 1. Meaning of state .................................................................... 1 2. Elements of state ................................................................... 1 3. State distinguished from nation.......................................... 3 4. State distinguished from government ............................... 3 5. Origin of states ...................................................................... 4 6. Purpose and necessity of government............................... 4 7. Kinds or forms of government............................................ 5 8. Tests of a democratic government...................................... 6 B. CONCEPT OF CONSTITUTION 1. Meaning of constitution ....................................................... 6 2. Nature, importance, and purpose or function of constitution ................................................................ 7 3. Constitution distinguished from statute ........................... 8 4. Basic principles underlying our Constitution .................. 8 5. Rule of the majority .............................................................. 9 6. Government of laws and not of men ................................. 10 7. Other main features of the Constitution............................ 10 PREAMBLE 1. Meaning of preamble ........................................................... 14 2. Object and value of preamble ............................................. 14 3. Source of Constitution’s authority ..................................... 15 4. Belief in God stressed ........................................................... 15 5. Changes in the Preamble ..................................................... 16

ARTICLE I — NATIONAL TERRITORY Section 1 1. Necessity of constitutional provision on National Territory........................................................................... 19 2. The National Territory.......................................................... 20 3. Jurisdiction over navigable waters..................................... 20 4. Meaning of archipelago ....................................................... 21 5. Archipelagic concept or principle of territoriality ........... 21 6. Other areas included in the Philippine archipelago ........ 21 ARTICLE II — DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND STATE POLICIES PRINCIPLES Section 1 1. The Philippines, a democratic and republican State........ 23 2. Sovereignty of the people .................................................... 23 3. Manifestations of a democratic and republican state ...... 24 4. People’s participation in government................................ 25 Section 2 1. Renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy................................................................ 27 2. Adoption of the generally accepted principles of international law as part of our law........................ 27 3. Adherence to the policy of peace, etc. with all nations ... 27 Section 3 1. Supremacy of civilian authority over the military........... 28 2. Armed Forces of the Philippines, protector of the people and the State ........................................... 29 Section 4 1. Prime duty of the Government........................................... 29 2. Defense of the State against foreign aggression ............... 30 3. Personal military and civil service ..................................... 30 Section 5 1. Maintenance of peace and order, etc.................................. 31




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