2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog


2018 04-SS-00018-0 978-971-23-8665-7 Core Interpretation ..............................................................46 Multiperspectivity .......................................................48 Case Study 1: Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take Place in the Philippines? .........................49 Case Study 2: What Happened in the Cavite Mutiny? ......................................................................56 Spanish Accounts of the Cavite Mutiny .............56 Differing Accounts of the Events of 1872 ...........59 Case Study 3: Did Rizal Retract? ...............................62 The Balaguer Testimony .....................................63 The Testimony of Cuerpo de Vigilancia ............. 63 Case Study 4: Where Did the Cry of Rebellion Happen? ......................................................65 Different Dates and Places of the Cry ................66 Philippine History: Spaces for Conflict and Controversies .................................................................... 45 Making Sense of the Past: Historical Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural Issues in Philippine History ......................................... 71 Evolution of the Philippine Constitution ................... 72 1897: Constitution of Biak-na-Bato .................... 72 1899: Malolos Constitution ................................. 73 1935: The Commonwealth Constitution ............ 75 1973: Constitutional Authoritarianism ............. 76 1987: Constitution After Martial Law ............... 78 Attempts to Amend or Change the 1987 Constitution .........................................................81 Policies on Agrarian Reform .......................................84 Landownership in the Philippines under Spain .....................................84 Landownership in the Philippines under the Americans ............................................................85 Post-War Interventions toward

Chapter 3





Introduction ................................................................................................ vii

iii Philippine History: Spaces for Conflict and Controversies .................................................................... 45 Making Sense of the Past: Historical Interpretation ..............................................................46 Multiperspectivity .......................................................48 Case Study 1: Where Did the First Catholic Mass Take Place in the Philippines? .........................49 Case Study 2: What Happened in the Cavite Mutiny? ......................................................................56 Spanish Accounts of the Cavite Mutiny .............56 Differing Accounts of the Events of 1872 ...........59 Case Study 3: Did Rizal Retract? ...............................62 The Balaguer Testimony .....................................63 The Testimony of Cuerpo de Vigilancia ............. 63 Case Study 4: Where Did the Cry of A Glance at Selected Philippine Political Caricature in Alfred McCoy’s Philippine Cartoons: Political Caricature of the American Era (1900–1941) .....................................31 Analysis of the Political Caricatures during the American Period ...........................34 Revisiting Corazon Aquino’s Speech Before the U.S. Congress ........................................36 Analysis of Cory Aquino’s Speech ...................41 Introduction to History: Definition, Issues, Sources, and Methodology ..........................................1 Definition and Subject Matter ..................................2 Questions and Issues in History ..............................3 History and the Historian .........................................5 Historical Sources .....................................................6 Content and Contextual Analysis of Selected Primary Sources in Philippine History ............. 13 A Brief Summary of the First Voyage Around the World by Magellan by Antonio Pigafetta ...............14 Analysis of Pigafetta’s Chronicle ....................20 The KKK and the “Kartilya ng Katipunan” ..........22 Analysis of the “Kartilya ng Katipunan” .......24 Reading the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence” .........................................................26 Analysis of the “Proclamation of the Philippine Independence” ...............................29 Rebellion Happen? ......................................................65 Different Dates and Places of the Cry ................66 Social, Political, Economic, and Cultural Issues in Philippine History ......................................... 71 Evolution of the Philippine Constitution ................... 72 1897: Constitution of Biak-na-Bato .................... 72

Chapter 1

Chapter 4

Chapter 2


Agrarian Reform .................................................. 87 Agrarian Reform Efforts under Marcos .............89 Post-1986 Agrarian Reform ................................91 CARPER and the Future of Agrarian Reform in the Philippines ....................................................92 Evolution of Philippine Taxation ...............................92 Taxation in Spanish Philippines ........................92 Taxation under the Americans ...........................96 Taxation during the Commonwealth Period ..... 97 Fiscal Policy from 1946 to Present .....................98 Doing History: A Guide for Students ........................105 Doing Historical Research Online ............................106 Doing Historical Research in Libraries and Archives .............................................. 107 Doing Life Histories and Biographical Research ....109 Doing Local and Oral History ...................................111 Interacting with History through Historical Shrines and Museums ..............................................113 Index ................................................................................................ 117

Chapter 3

Chapter 5


Chapter 4

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