2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog

54 Managing Tour Operations 63 Key Concepts

63 Discussion Questions 63 Experiential Exercises CHAPTER 7 ONLINE TRAVEL AGENCIES (OTAS) 65 Introduction

66 Learning Objectives 66 Emergence of OTAs 68 Online Travel Agency Business Models 69 Digital Content and Marketing, Advantage of Niche Tourism for Online Travel Agencies

70 Value of OTAs 71 Key Concepts


72 Discussion Questions 72 Experiential Exercises CHAPTER 8 TOUR AND TRAVEL AGENCY MARKETING 73 Introduction 74 Learning Objectives 74 The Role of Tour Operators and Travel Agents in the Distribution Network 75 The Importance of Marketing in Tourism 76 Marketing Mix

110 Revenue Implications of Mobile Channel Visits in the Online Travel Agency Industry 113 COVID-19’s Effects on Travel Agencies and Tour Operators 114 Business Survival Strategies of Tour and Travel Companies During COVID-19 115 Recovery Activities in the Tour and Travel Business 115 Key Concepts 116 Discussion Questions 116 Experiential Exercises CHAPTER 10 RETHINKING SUSTAINABILITY IN THE TOUR OPERATING INDUSTRY 117 Introduction 118 Learning Objectives 118 Application of Corporate Sustainability in the Tour Operating Industry 120 Answer Business Survival Resources 120 Sustainability in the Supply Chain Between the Tour Operator and Ground Agent 121 Business Sustainability of OTAs 122 Sustainability of SME Travel Agencies 122 The Global Value Chain in the Tourism Context 124 Travel Agencies’ Strategic Measures Toward Competitiveness 125 Actions Centered on the Organizational and Management Structure 126 Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) Maintaining Sustainability in the Online Travel World 128 Contributions of Tour Operators in the Sustainability of Protected Areas 129 Managing Relationships in the Tourism Supply Chain to Overcome Pandemic Outbreaks 131 Adaptation Strategies of Tour and Travel Companies During COVID-19

79 Traditional Travel Distribution Channels 80 Contemporary Tourism Distribution Channel 81 The Models of Distribution Channels

82 Global Distribution Systems 83 The Direct Distribution System 84 The Indirect Distribution System


85 The Influence of ICTs on Distribution Channels 86 The Rising Relevance of UGC and Social Media 87 Distribution Channels’ Conflicts in the Travel Marketing Structure 87 Distribution Channel Preferences of Travel Agencies 88 The Process of Tourist Service and the Distribution of Service Products 88 Creating Tourist Value Through Innovations in Customer Service 89 Elements of Travel Websites 90 Travel Search Engines 91 Online Sales via websites 92 ICT as Distribution Channel of Travel Agencies 93 Online Travel Portals and Their Influence on Travel Agencies 94 Customer Loyalty in Travel Agency Websites

95 Customer Trust 95 Key Concepts

133 Strategic Collaboration Among Travel Agencies 133 Partnership Ideas for Tour and Travel Entrepreneurs 134 Key Concepts 134 Discussion Questions 134 Experiential Exercises CHAPTER 11 RISK MANAGEMENT IN TRAVEL AGENCY BUSINESS 135 Introduction 136 Learning Objectives 136 Types of Business Risks

96 Discussion Questions 96 Experiential Exercises CHAPTER 9 REVENUE MANAGEMENT IN TOUR AND TRAVEL AGENCY BUSINESS 98 Introduction 99 Learning Objectives 99 Conceptual Definitions in Revenue Management 100 Importance of Revenue Management in the Travel Agency Business 102 Revenue Sources for Travel Agencies 104 Developing Revenue Management for Travel Agencies 106 Identify High- and Low-RevPATP Periods 106 Revenue Management of Tour and Activity Operators 107 Pricing Models of Revenue Management 109 Factors Affecting Revenue Management in Travel Agencies




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