2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog



2018 04-TB-00024-0 978-971-23-9605-2 BS Hospitality Management and BS Tourism Management The Tourism and Hospitality Network and Supply Components ............................................................... 57 Tourism and Hospitality Components. Tourism and Hospitality Supply Components. Natural Resources. Infrastructure. Hospitality Resources. Hospitality Training. Transportation. Superstructure. Tourism and Hospitality Organizations ........................................ 75 Tourism Organizations. International Organizations. Regional Organizations. Role of National Organization in Tourism. National Tourism Office. Professional Tourism and Hospitality Organizations. Tourism and Hospitality Organizations in the Philippines. The Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality ....................................... 128 The Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality. The Positive Economic Effects of Tourism and Hospitality. Negative Economic Aspects of Tourism and Hospitality. Social Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality. Positive Social Effects of Tourism and Hospitality. Negative Social Effects of Tourism and Hospitality. Impact of Tourism and Hospitality on Culture. Positive Effects of Tourism and Hospitality on Culture. Negative Cultural Impact of Tourism and Hospitality. Environmental Impact of Tourism and Hospitality. Positive Environmental Impact of Tourism and Hospitality. Negative Environmental Impact of Tourism and Hospitality.






Preface ................................................................................................................. vii




The Meaning and Importance of Tourism and Hospitality .......... 1

The Relationship of Tourism and Hospitality. The Food and Beverage Component. The Lodging Component. Recreation and Entertainment Component. Travel and Tourism Component. Transportation. Travel Agencies and Tour Operators. Definition of Tourism. Definition of Hospitality. Meaning of Tourist. Elements of Travel. The Nature of a Tour. The Tourist Product. The Tourist Destination. Tourist Services. Characteristics of Tourism and Hospitality. Importance of Tourism and Hospitality.


Current Trends and Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry ............................................................... 152


The History of Tourism and Hospitality ........................................ 19 History of the Tourism Industry. History of the Hospitality Industry. Pioneers in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Origins of Tourism and Hospitality in the Philippines. International Travel Patterns. Factors That Favor the Growth of Tourism and Hospitality. The Economics of Tourism and Hospitality .................................. 45 The Role of Tourism and Hospitality in Economic Development. Economic Impact. Direct and Secondary Effects. Tourism Multiplier. Cost-Benefit Ratio. Undesirable Economic Aspects of Tourism. How to Maximize the Economic Effect of Tourism and Hospitality.

The Bright Future of Tourism and Hospitality. Issues in Tourism and Hospitality. The Future of Tourism and Hospitality.


Future World Tourism and Hospitality Issues .............................. 170 Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality. The Impact of the World’s Economy on Tourism and Hospitality. Managing Sustainable Tourism in a Responsible Manner. Tourism Policy and Strategic Planning. Using E-commerce Tools in Tourism and Hospitality. Tourism and Hospitality Education and Training. Emerging Tourism and Hospitality Markets. Quality Tourism and Hospitality Products and Experiences. Partnerships and Strategic Alliances in Tourism and Hospitality. The Impacts of Health Issues on Tourism and Hospitality. Effects of Natural Disasters on Tourism and Hospitality. Climate Change and Tourism and Hospitality. Sustainable Management of Tourism and Hospitality ................. 188 Meaning of Sustainable Management of Tourism and Hospitality. Managing Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality. What are the Sustainable Development Goals? What is UNDP’s Role? The 17 Global Goals. Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Framework. Current Trends in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality. Global Impact of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality. The Benefits of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality.




The Tourism and Hospitality Network and Supply Components ............................................................... 57


Tourism and Hospitality Components. Tourism and Hospitality Supply Components. Natural Resources. Infrastructure. Hospitality Resources. Hospitality Training. Transportation. Superstructure.



Tourism and Hospitality Organizations ........................................ 75 Tourism Organizations. International Organizations. Regional Organizations. Role of National Organization in Tourism. National Tourism Office. Professional Tourism and Hospitality Organizations. Tourism and Hospitality Organizations in the Philippines. The Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality ....................................... 128 The Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality. The Positive Economic Effects of Tourism and Hospitality. Negative Economic Aspects of Tourism and Hospitality. Social Impacts of Tourism and Hospitality. Positive Social Effects of Tourism and Hospitality. Negative Social Effects of Tourism and Hospitality. Impact of Tourism and Hospitality on Culture. Positive Effects of Tourism and Hospitality on Culture. Negative Cultural Impact of Tourism and Hospitality. Environmental Impact of


Glossary ............................................................................................................... 203 Index .................................................................................................................... 207


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