2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog


2020 04-ED-00042-0 978-621-04-0123-3 Professional - Pedagogical Content Knowledge CHAPTER II: DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF TESTS Lesson 4: Planning a Written Test ..........................................................................50 Why do we need to define the test objectives or learning outcomes targeted for assessment? ................................................................................. 51 What are the objectives for testing? ............................................................... 51 What is a table of specifications? ..................................................................... 52 What are the general steps in developing a table of specifications? .......... 52 What are the different formats of a test table of specifications? ................ 54 Lesson 5 : Construction of Written Tests ................................................................ 68 What are the general guidelines in choosing the appropriate test format? .......................................................................................................69 What are the major categories and formats of traditional tests?............... 71 What are the general guidelines in writing multiple-choice test items? ...................................................................... 72 What are the general guidelines in writing matching-type items? .......... 75 What are the general guidelines in writing true or false items? .............. 79 What are the general guidelines in writing short-answer test items? .....81 What are the general guidelines in writing essay tests? ...................... 82 What are the general guidelines in problem-solving test items? .......... 84 Lesson 6 : Establishing Test Validity and Reliability............................................... 96 What is test reliability? .....................................................................................97 What are the different ways to establish test reliability? ............................. 97 What is test validity?........................................................................................ 104 What are the different ways to establish test validity? ............................... 104 How to determine if an item is easy or difficult? ......................................... 108 CHAPTER III: ORGANIZATION, UTILIZATION, AND COMMUNICATION OF TEST RESULTS Lesson 7: Organization of Test Data Using Tables and Graphs ........................ 120 How do we organize and present ungrouped data through tables? ........ 122 How do we present test data graphically? ................................................... 126 Which graph is best? ....................................................................................... 134 What are the variations on the shapes of frequency distributions?.........135 Lesson 8 : Analysis, Interpretation, and Use of Test Data .................................. 153 What are measures of central tendency?..................................................... 154 What are measures of dispersion?................................................................ 164 What are measures of position? .................................................................... 170 What are standard scores?............................................................................. 175 What are measures of covariability? ............................................................. 179 Lesson 9 : Grading and Reporting of Test Results ............................................... 200 What are the purposes of grading and reporting learners’ test performance? ................................................................................................... 201 What are the different methods in scoring tests or performance tasks? ....201 What are the different types of test scores? ................................................ 208 What are the general guidelines in grading tests or performance tasks? .....215 What are the general guidelines in grading essay tests? ........................... 216 What is the new grading system of the Philippine K–12 Program? ........... 218 How should test results be communicated to different stakeholders? ...... 220 Table of Specifications ................................................................................... 233 Summative Test For Assessment in Learning 1 ..........................................235 Scoring Rubric for Reflective Journal …………………………………………………… ......... 252 Whole Course Portfolio Rubric ……………………………………………………………… ....... 255 Self-Assessment of the Course Experience……………………………………….. ............ 261 Glossary of Terms …………………………………………………………………. ......................... 263 Key to Corrections of the Summative Test ........................................................... 271 Bibliography ..............................................................................................................311 Index .......................................................................................................................... 315





Preface ........................................................................................................................vii The Course Map .........................................................................................................xii Suggested Course Syllabus ......................................................................................xiii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION TO ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING Lesson 1 : Basic Concepts and Principles in Assessing Learning........................... 2 What is assessment in learning?........................................................................ 3 What are the different measurement frameworks used in assessment? ...... 4 What are the different types of assessment in learning? .............................. 5 What are the different principles in assessing learning? ................................ 6 Lesson 2 : Assessment Purposes, Learning Targets, and Appropriate Methods .....16 What is the purpose of classroom assessment? ............................................17 What are learning targets? ................................................................................19 The Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives ................................19 The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives................. 21 Types of Learning Targets ........................................................................24 Appropriate Methods of Assessment..................................................... 24 Lesson 3 : Different Classifications of Assessment ............................................... 34 What are the different classifications of assessment? ................................. 35 When do we use educational and psychological assessments? ................. 35 When do we use paper-and-pencil and performance-based type of assessments? ..................................................................................................... 37 How do we distinguish teacher-made from standardized test? .................. 38 What information is sought from achievement and aptitude tests?.......... 39 How do we differentiate speed from power test? ........................................ 40 How do we differentiate norm-referenced from criterion-referenced test? ................................................................................. 40


CHAPTER II: DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF TESTS Lesson 4: Planning a Written Test ..........................................................................50 Why do we need to define the test objectives or learning outcomes targeted for assessment? ................................................................................. 51 What are the objectives for testing? ............................................................... 51 What is a table of specifications? ..................................................................... 52 What are the general steps in developing a table of specifications? .......... 52 What are the different formats of a test table of specifications? ................ 54 Lesson 5 : Construction of Written Tests ................................................................ 68 What are the general guidelines in choosing the appropriate test format? .......................................................................................................69 What are the major categories and formats of traditional tests?............... 71 What are the general guidelines in writing multiple-choice test items? ...................................................................... 72 What are the general guidelines in writing matching-type items? .......... 75 What are the general guidelines in writing true or false items? .............. 79 What are the general guidelines in writing short-answer test items? .....81 What are the general guidelines in writing essay tests? ...................... 82 What are the general guidelines in problem-solving test items? .......... 84


Lesson 6 : Establishing Test Validity and Reliability............................................... 96 What is test reliability? .....................................................................................97 What are the different ways to establish test reliability? ............................. 97 What is test validity?........................................................................................ 104 What are the different ways to establish test validity? ............................... 104 How to determine if an item is easy or difficult? ......................................... 108 CHAPTER III: ORGANIZATION, UTILIZATION, AND COMMUNICATION



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