2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog

9. Exemptions provided for in the

Tax Code ..................................................


10. Construction of tax exemption

statutes .....................................................

80 84

11. Tax amnesty .....................................................

G. Nature, Construction, Application, and Sources of Tax Laws

1. Nature of internal revenue law..................... 2. Construction of tax laws ................................ 3. Application of tax laws .................................. 4. Mandatory and directory provisions 5. Sources of tax laws ......................................... 6. Existing tax laws ............................................. 7. Authority of Secretary of Finance to of tax laws ............................................... 8. Nature of power to make regulations.......... 9. Necessity and function of regulations ......... 10. Validity and effectivity of regulations ......... 11. Force and effect of regulations...................... promulgate rules and regulations .......

86 87 89 90 91 92 92 93 94 94 95

D. Situs of Taxation and Double Taxation

1. Meaning of situs of taxation.......................... 2. Situs of subjects of taxation ........................... 3. Multiplicity of situs ........................................ 4. Meaning of double taxation ..........................

58 58 60 60 61 62


5. Instances of double taxation

in its broad sense....................................

6. Constitutionality of double taxation............

E. Forms of Escape from Taxation

12. Administrative interpretations

1. In general .........................................................


and opinions ...........................................


2. Relations among impact, shifting,

13. Weight given to administrative

and incidence of a tax ............................

64 66 66 66 67 67 68 69 69 69 70 71 71 71

interpretation ..........................................


3. Meaning of shifting ........................................ 4. Meaning of impact of taxation...................... 5. Meaning of incidence of taxation ................. 6. Direct tax cannot be shifted........................... 7. Kinds of shifting ............................................. 8. Meaning of capitalization.............................. 9. Meaning of transformation ........................... 10. Meaning of tax evasion .................................. 11. Factors in tax evasion ..................................... 12. Evidence to prove tax evasion ...................... 13. No proceeds in tax evasion ........................... 14. Meaning of tax avoidance ............................. 15. Tax avoidance not punishable by law .........

14. Power of Secretary of Finance to revoke rulings of his predecessor .....................


15. Non-retroactivity of repeal of

regulations or rulings ............................


16. Decisions of the Supreme Court

and Court of Tax Appeals .....................



A. Preliminary Topics

x 1. Kinds of taxes under existing laws .............. 100 2. Kinds of national internal revenue taxes imposed under the Tax Code ............... 100 3. Modes of and procedure for payment of internal revenue taxes....................... 101 4. Credit/debit/prepaid card payment system ...................................................... 109 5. BIR Citizen’s Charter...................................... 111

16. Distinction between tax evasion

and tax avoidance ..................................


F. Exemption from Taxation

1. Meaning of exemption from taxation .......... 2. Nature of power to grant tax exemption..... 3. Rationale of tax exemption............................ 4. Grounds for tax exemption ........................... 5. Equity not a ground for tax exemption ....... 6. Nature of tax exemption ................................ 7. Kinds of tax exemption..................................

73 73 74 75 75 76 77

B. Income Tax

1. General principles of Philippine

income taxation ...................................... 112 2. Meaning of income ......................................... 113 3. Meaning of income tax................................... 114 4. Functions of income tax ................................. 114 5. Nature and purpose of income tax .............. 114 6. Classification of taxpayers............................. 115 7. Income tax regime option of individual...... 116 8. Graduated income tax rates .......................... 116 9. 8% tax option on gross sales or receipts ...... 118 10. Rate of tax for mixed income earners .......... 118 11. Global and schedular systems of taxation .. 120 12. System of taxing income under the Tax Code ........................................... 120 13. Meaning of taxable income ........................... 121 14. Taxable income of an individual .................. 122 15. Taxation of non-individual taxpayers.......... 123 16. Taxation of partnerships/partners............... 129 17. Meaning of gross income............................... 130 18. Items of gross income..................................... 131

8. Exemptions provided for in the

Constitution ............................................



9. Exemptions provided for in the

Tax Code ..................................................


10. Construction of tax exemption

statutes .....................................................

80 84

11. Tax amnesty .....................................................

G. Nature, Construction, Application, and Sources of Tax Laws

1. Nature of internal revenue law..................... 2. Construction of tax laws ................................ 3. Application of tax laws .................................. 4. Mandatory and directory provisions 5. Sources of tax laws ......................................... 6. Existing tax laws ............................................. 7. Authority of Secretary of Finance to of tax laws ............................................... 8. Nature of power to make regulations.......... 9. Necessity and function of regulations ......... 10. Validity and effectivity of regulations ......... 11. Force and effect of regulations...................... promulgate rules and regulations .......

86 87 89 90 91 92 92 93 94 94 95


12. Administrative interpretations

and opinions ...........................................



13. Weight given to administrative

interpretation ..........................................


14. Power of Secretary of Finance to revoke rulings of his predecessor .....................


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