2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog



viii Article 1178 — Transmissibility of Rights ........................................... Study Guide ............................................................................................. CHAPTER 3 — DIFFERENT KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS Classifications of Obligations ............................................................ Section 1. — Pure and Conditional Obligations. Article 1179 — Meaning of Pure Obligation; Meaning of Conditional Obligation; Meaning of Condition; Characteristics of a Condition; Two Principal Kinds of Condition; Distinctions Between Suspensive and Resolutory Conditions; When Obligation is Demandable at Once; Past Event Unknown to the Parties..................... Article 1180 — Where Duration of Period Depends Upon the Will of Debtor....................................................................................................... Article 1181 — Effect of Happening of Condition ......................... Article 1182 — Classification of Conditions; Potestative Con- dition; Where Suspensive Condition Depends Upon Will of Debtor; Where Suspensive Condition Depends Upon Will of Creditor; Where Resolutory Condition Depends Upon Will of Debtor; Casual Condition; Mixed Condition; Where Suspensive Condition Depends Partly Upon Will of Debtor........................................................................ Article 1183 — When Article 1183 Applies; Two Kinds of Impossible Conditions; Effect of Impossible Conditions ...................... Article 1184 — Positive Condition..................................................... Article 1185 — Negative Condition................................................... Article 1186 — Constructive Fulfillment of Suspensive Condi- tion; Constructive Fulfillment of Resolutory Condition ..................... Article 1187 — Retroactive Effects of Fulfillment of Suspensive Condition; Retroactive Effects as to Fruits and Interests in Obligations to Give ..................................................................................... Article 1188 — Rights Pending Fulfillment of Suspensive Con- dition ............................................................................................................. Article 1189 — Requisites for Application of Article 1189; Kinds of Loss; Rules in Case of Loss, Deterioration, or Improvement of Thing During Pendency of Suspensive Condition................................. Article 1190 — Effects of Fulfillment of Resolutory Condition; Applicability of Article 1189 to Party with Obligation to Return...... Article 1191 — Kinds of Obligation According to the Person Obliged; Remedies in Reciprocal Obligations; Court may Grant Guilty Party Term for Performance; Remedies are Alternative; Limitations on Right to Demand Rescission; Rescission Without Previous Judicial Decree ........................................................................................................ Article 1192 — Where Both Parties are Guilty of Breach.................. Study Guide .......................................................................................... Article 1163 — Meaning of Specific or Determinate Thing; Meaning of Generic or Indeterminate Thing; Specific Thing and Generic Thing Distinguished; Duties of Debtor in Obligation to Give a Determinate Thing; Duties of Debtor in Obligation to Deliver a Generic Thing .............................................................................................. Article 1164 — Different Kinds of Fruits; Right of Creditor to the Fruits; When Obligation to Deliver Fruits Arises; Meaning of Personal Right and Real Right; Personal Right and Real Right Distinguished; Ownership Acquired by Delivery ............................................................ Article 1165 — Remedies of Creditor in Real Obligation; Where Debtor Delays or Has Promised Delivery to Separate Creditors ..... Article 1166 — Meaning of Accessions and Accessories; Right of Creditor to Accessions and Accessories................................................... Article 1167 — Situations Contemplated in Article 1167; Remedies of Creditor in Positive Personal Obligation; Performance by a Third Person ........................................................................................ Article 1168 — Remedies of Creditor in Negative Personal Obligation ..................................................................................................... Article 1169 — Meaning of Delay; Kinds of Delay or Default; No Delay in Negative Personal Obligation; Requisites of Delay or Default by the Debtor; Effects of Delay; When Demand is Not Necessary to Put Debtor in Delay .................................................................................... Article 1170 — Grounds for Liability; Fraud and Negligence Distinguished............................................................................................... Article 1171 — Responsibility Arising from Fraud Demandable; Waiver of Action for Future Fraud Void; Waiver of Action for Past Fraud Valid................................................................................................... Article 1172 — Responsibility Arising from Negligence Demandable; Validity of Waiver of Action Arising from Negligence; Kinds of Negligence According to Source of Obligation; Effect of Negligence on the Part of the Injured Party............................................ Article 1173 — Meaning of Fault or Negligence; Factors to be Considered; Measure of Liability for Damages; Kinds of Diligence Required ....................................................................................................... Article 1174 — Meaning of Fortuitous Event; Fortuitous Event Distinguished from Force Majeure; Kinds of Fortuitous Events; Requisites of a Fortuitous Event; Rules as to Liability in Case of Fortuitous Event .......................................................................................... Article 1175 — Meaning of Simple Loan or Mutuum ; Meaning of Usury; Requisites for Recovery of Interest ......................................... Article 1176 — Meaning of Presumption; Two Kinds of Presumption; When Presumptions in Article 1176 Do Not Apply ................................................................................................................ Article 1177 — Remedies Available to Creditors for the Satisfaction of Their Claims.......................................................................


2021 04-LB-00227-0 978-621-04-0430-2 BS Business Administration 36


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CONTENTS PREFACE ...................................................................................................... INTRODUCTION TO LAW The General Nature of Law — Meaning of Law in General; General Divisions of Law; Subjects of Law; Divine Law; Natural Law; Moral Law; Physical Law; State Law; Concepts of (State) Law; Characteristics of Law; Necessity and Functions of Law; Sources of Law; Rule in Case of Doubt in Interpretation or Application of Laws; Organs of Social Control; Law Compared with Other Means of Social Control; Organization of Courts; Classifications of Law; Law on Obligations and Contracts Defined; Civil Code of the Philippines; Civil Code Provisions on Obligations and Contracts; Conclusive Presumption of Knowledge of Law ........................................................ TITLE I OBLIGATIONS (Arts. 1156-1304, Civil Code) CHAPTER 1 — GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1156 — Meaning of Obligation; Civil Code Definition; Meaning of Juridical Necessity; Nature of Obligations Under the Civil Code; Essential Requisites of an Obligation; Form of Obligations; Obligation, Right, and Wrong Distinguished; Kinds of Obligation According to the Subject Matter................................................................... Article 1157 — Sources of Obligations; Sources Classified .......... Article 1158 — Legal Obligations ......................................................... Article 1159 — Contractual Obligations; Compliance in Good Faith .................................................................................................................. Article 1160 — Quasi-contractual Obligations; Kinds of Quasi- Contractual Obligations ................................................................................ Article 1161 — Civil Liability Arising from Crimes or Delicts; Scope of Civil Liability................................................................................... Article 1162 — Obligations Arising from Quasi-delicts; Requisites of Quasi-delict; Crime Distinguished from Quasi-delict..................... Study Guide ..........................................................................................





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Article 1163 — Meaning of Specific or Determinate Thing; Meaning of Generic or Indeterminate Thing; Specific Thing and Generic Thing Distinguished; Duties of Debtor in Obligation to Give a Determinate Thing; Duties of Debtor in Obligation to Deliver a Generic Thing .............................................................................................. Article 1164 — Different Kinds of Fruits; Right of Creditor to the Fruits; When Obligation to Deliver Fruits Arises; Meaning of Personal Right and Real Right; Personal Right and Real Right Distinguished; Ownership Acquired by Delivery ............................................................ Article 1165 — Remedies of Creditor in Real Obligation; Where Debtor Delays or Has Promised Delivery to Separate Creditors ..... Article 1166 — Meaning of Accessions and Accessories; Right of Creditor to Accessions and Accessories................................................... Article 1167 — Situations Contemplated in Article 1167; Remedies of Creditor in Positive Personal Obligation; Performance by a Third Person ........................................................................................ Article 1168 — Remedies of Creditor in Negative Personal Obligation ..................................................................................................... Article 1169 — Meaning of Delay; Kinds of Delay or Default; No Delay in Negative Personal Obligation; Requisites of Delay or Default by the Debtor; Effects of Delay; When Demand is Not Necessary to Put Debtor in Delay .................................................................................... Article 1170 — Grounds for Liability; Fraud and Negligence Distinguished............................................................................................... Article 1171 — Responsibility Arising from Fraud Demandable; Waiver of Action for Future Fraud Void; Waiver of Action for Past Fraud Valid................................................................................................... Article 1172 — Responsibility Arising from Negligence Demandable; Validity of Waiver of Action Arising from Negligence; Kinds of Negligence According to Source of Obligation; Effect of Negligence on the Part of the Injured Party............................................ Article 1173 — Meaning of Fault or Negligence; Factors to be

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