2024 Higher Education Learning Solutions Catalog

xvii Article 1338 — Meaning of Causal Fraud; How Causal Fraud Committed; Requisites of Causal Fraud..................................................... Article 1339 — Fraud by Concealment................................................ Article 1340 — Usual Exaggerations in Trade.................................... Article 1341 — Expression of Opinion.............................................. Article 1342 — Fraud by a Third Person .......................................... Article 1343 — Effect of Misrepresentation Made in Good Faith............................................................................................................... Article 1344 — Two Kinds of Fraud in the Making of Contract; Requisites of Causal Fraud ........................................................................ Articles 1345-1346 — Meaning of Simulation of a Contract; Kinds of Simulation .................................................................................... Study Guide .......................................................................................... Section 2. — Object of Contracts. Articles 1347-1348 — Concept of Object of a Contract; Kinds of Object of Contract; Requisites of Things as Object of Contract; Requisites of Services as Object of Contract; Rights as Object of Contract; Definition of Future Inheritance; Validity of Contracts Upon Future Inheritance; Kinds of Impossibility ................................................ Article 1349 — Quantity of Object of Contract Need Not be Determinate ..................................................................................................... Study Guide ............................................................................................. Section 3. — Cause of Contracts. CHAPTER 2 — ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF CONTRACTS GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1318 — Classes of Elements of a Contract........................... Section 1. — Consent Article 1319 — Meaning of Consent; Meaning of Offer; Offer must be Certain and Seriously Intended; Meaning of Acceptance; Acceptance of Offer must be Clear and Absolute.............................................................. Article 1320 — Form of Acceptance of Offer ..................................... Article 1321 — Matters that May be Fixed by the Offerer; Communication of the Offer......................................................................... Article 1322 — Communication of Acceptance ................................. Article 1323 — When Offer Becomes Ineffective; Other Grounds Which Render Offer Ineffective ................................................................... Article 1324 — Meaning of Contract of Option; Option Period Option Money; Withdrawal of Offer Where Period Stipulated for Acceptance; Articles 1324 and 1479 Compared ........................................... . Article 1325 — Business Advertisements Generally Not Definite Offers ................................................................................................................ Article 1326 — Advertisements for Bidders Generally Not Definite Offers ................................................................................................................ Article 1327 — Capacity to Give Consent Presumed; Persons Who Cannot Give Consent; Reason for Disqualification ................................... Article 1328 — Contracts Entered into During a Lucid Interval; Effect of Drunkenness and Hypnotic Spell ................................................ Article 1329 — Incapacity Declared in Article 1327 Subject to Modifications; Other Special Disqualifications May be Provided by Law ................................................................................................................... Article 1330 — Characteristics of Consent; Vices of Consent; Causes Vitiating Consent and Causes of Incapacity Distinguished.. Article 1331 — Meaning of Mistake or Error; Nature of Mistake; Mistake of Fact to Which Law Refers; Mistake of Fact Which Does Not Vitiate Consent; Effect of Mistake of Account ................................ Article 1332 — Burden of Proof in Case of Mistake or Fraud ......... Article 1333 — Effect of Knowledge of Risk....................................... Article 1334 — Meaning of Mistake of Law; Effect of Mistake of Law; When Mistake of Law Vitiates Consent; Requisites for the Application of Article 1334 ........................................................................... Article 1335 — Nature of Violence or Force; Nature of Intimidation or Threat; Factors to Determine Degree of Intimidation; Threat to Enforce Just or Legal Claim ........................................................ Article 1336 — Violence or Intimidation by a Third Person............ Article 1337 — Meaning of Undue Influence; Nature of Undue Influence; Circumstances to Be Considered ............................................. Article 1350 — Meaning of Cause; Cause Distinguished from Object; Classification of Contracts According to Cause ........................ Article 1351 — Meaning of Motive; Cause Distinguished from Motive ........................................................................................................... Articles 1352-1353 — Requisites of Cause; Effect of Absence of Cause; Effect of Failure of Cause; Effect of Illegality of Cause; Effect of Falsity of Cause ....................................................................................... Article 1354 — Cause Presumed to Exist and Lawful .................... Article 1355 — Meaning of Lesion; Effect of Lesion or Inadequacy of Cause ........................................................................................................ Study Guide .......................................................................................... CHAPTER 3 — FORM OF CONTRACTS Article 1356 — Meaning of Form of Contract; Forms of Con- tract; When Contract Considered in Written Form; Classification of Contracts According to Form; Rules Regarding Form of Contracts; Form for Validity of Contract; Form for Enforceability of Contract ............................................................................................ Article 1357 — Form for the Convenience of the Parties ...............


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Article 1303 — Effect of Legal Subrogation ..................................... Article 1304 — Effect of Partial Subrogation.................................... Study Guide ..........................................................................................

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xvi CHAPTER 2 — ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF CONTRACTS GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1318 — Classes of Elements of a Contract........................... Section 1. — Consent Article 1319 — Meaning of Consent; Meaning of Offer; Offer must be Certain and Seriously Intended; Meaning of Acceptance; Acceptance of Offer must be Clear and Absolute.............................................................. Article 1320 — Form of Acceptance of Offer ..................................... Article 1321 — Matters that May be Fixed by the Offerer; Communication of the Offer......................................................................... Article 1322 — Communication of Acceptance ................................. Article 1323 — When Offer Becomes Ineffective; Other Grounds Which Render Offer Ineffective ................................................................... Article 1324 — Meaning of Contract of Option; Option Period Option Money; Withdrawal of Offer Where Period Stipulated for Acceptance; Articles 1324 and 1479 Compared ........................................... . Article 1325 — Business Advertisements Generally Not Definite Offers ................................................................................................................ Article 1326 — Advertisements for Bidders Generally Not Definite Offers ................................................................................................................ Article 1327 — Capacity to Give Consent Presumed; Persons Who Cannot Give Consent; Reason for Disqualification ................................... Article 1328 — Contracts Entered into During a Lucid Interval; Effect of Drunkenness and Hypnotic Spell ................................................ Article 1329 — Incapacity Declared in Article 1327 Subject to Modifications; Other Special Disqualifications May be Provided by Law ................................................................................................................... Article 1330 — Characteristics of Consent; Vices of Consent; Causes Vitiating Consent and Causes of Incapacity Distinguished.. Article 1331 — Meaning of Mistake or Error; Nature of Mistake; Article 1305 — Meaning of Contract; Number of Parties to a Contract; Contract and Obligation Distinguished; Contract and Agreement Distinguished; Classifications of Contract .......................... Article 1306 — Meaning of Valid Contracts; Freedom to Contract Guaranteed; Limitations on Contractual Stipulations; Contract Must Not be Contrary to Law; Contract Must Not be Contrary to Morals; Contract Must Not be Contrary to Good Customs; Contract Must Not be Contrary to Public Order; Contract Must Not be Contrary to Public Policy ................................................................................................ Article 1307 — Classification of Contracts According to Its Name or Designation; Kinds of Innominate Contract; Reasons for Innominate Contracts; Rules Governing Innominate Contracts ....... Article 1308 — Contract Binds Both Contracting Parties............... Article 1309 — Determination of Performance by a Third Person ........................................................................................................... Article 1310 — Effect Where Determination Inequitable............... Article 1311 — Persons Affected by a Contract; Cases When Strangers or Third Persons Affected by a Contract; Meaning of Stipulation Pour Autrui; Classes of Stipulations Pour Autrui; Requisites of Stipulation Pour Autrui ...................................................... Article 1312 — Third Persons are Bound by Contracts; Creating Real Rights ................................................................................................... Article 1313 — Right of Creditors to Impugn Contracts Intended to Defraud Them ......................................................................................... Article 1314 — Liability of Third Person Responsible For Breach of Contract ........................................................................................................ Articles 1315-1316 — Classification of Contracts According to Perfection; Stages in the Life of a Contract; How Contracts Are Perfected; Effect of Perfection of the Contract ........................................ Article 1317 — Unauthorized Contracts are Unenforceable; Unauthorized Contracts Can be Cured Only by Ratification; When a Person is Bound by the Contract of Another .......................................... Study Guide ..........................................................................................



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