Plan & Project Guide

Guarding the Access to Higher Education providing our students the opportunity to more affordably obtain a degree with the Guardian Fund .

“The Guardian Fund at MissouriValleyCollege,made possible by contributions fromouralumniandfriends, ensures the attainability of an affordable and high quality education.” —Dr. Bonnie Humphrey MVC President

Often times, the gap between the amount of money in scholarships, grants and loans, becomes a burden to our students and their families, and ultimately, forces them to put their education on hold—sometimes periodi- cally, but too often permanently. The Guardian Fund, an endowed scholarship program, exists to help bridge the gap in the amount in which a student is responsible, and will allow them to more affordably have the opportunity to obtain a baccalaureate degree. In the 2016-17 academic year, 98% of MVC students received financial aid, which includes institutional or outside scholarships, or federal, state or private aid.

PLAN & PROJECT GUIDE | Guardian Fund

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