Plan & Project Guide

The Institutional Endowment An endowment is a college’s financial cornerstone—the core of its ability to fuel progress in academic programs, scholarship, and teaching. Allowing an institution to be less dependent on unpredictable sources of revenue, endowments ensure that promising programs, individuals, and initiatives have the continual support they need to take the intellectual risks that can pay off in monumental leaps in knowledge. Securing our future Currently, the MVC endowment is $5.5 million, which is lower than most schools in the Heart of America Conference. Increasing our endowment: • Ensures regular funding levels for University departments, programs, and operations • Helps stem rises in tuition by providing needed financial aid • enables the university to offer more scholarships and university-based financial aid, which in turn helps in the recruitment and retention of the most qualified students • And much more! strengthening the C0RE

PLAN & PROJECT GUIDE | Baity Hall Renovation

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