Ceifl&n, cM t€t£ncu&Qenefail/n¿í& i£r*i< A growing faith work in a vital field Greatly needed— being greatly blessed! Completing 62 years of service in India. Join us with your prayers and interest. As the Lord provides we lengthen our cords and strengthen our stakes. Our present ministry in India and Pakistan includes : • BAZAAR PREACHING • CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS • HOUSE TO HOUSE VISITATION • MISSIONARY MEDICAL AID • CHILD EVANGELISM CLASSES • BIBLE TRAINING INSTITUTES • ORPHANAGES FOR CAST-OFF CHILDREN Opening New Stations and Engaging New Missionaries for work in the Pioneer Fields oi Both India and Pakistan Interesting FREE literature gladly supplied. Write today! Address the Secretary-Treasurer 107 NORTH HALE, WHEATON, ILLINOIS or 169 YONGE STREET, ROOM 205, TORONTO, CANADA • DISTRIBUTING LITERATURE AND SCRIPTURES
A Woman & Her Dime
Editor's N ote: This interesting story was recently brought into our office b y Miss Em ily J. A lexander who has done Chris tian work among young girls in the Los Angeles area for the past 35 years. During these years Miss Ale~ander has sesn many of her girls go through the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and on to useful lives in the Lord’s work. W h en Biola announced plans for a new $3-million campus last year Miss Alexander was one of the first to back the project with her enthusiasm and help. A little while ago I called upon a lady who has been a great prayer warrior for years and a great ad mirer of Dr. Louis T. Talbot. She has followed his teaching and lis tened to his radio broadcasts; also she went through the depression when the school was nearly lost. J She thinks he was God’s man who j saved the Institute from the fore- j closing by the bank. On the day I j visited her, she heard Dr. Talbot | pleading for two million dollars. She handed me 10 cents and said, “ I want you to take this to Dr. Talbot and tell him that after the broadcast I looked into my purse and I found, after paying all my bills, I had 10 cent's left. Don’t tell him my name, just tell him I am sending this as an earnest that he will get his two million because I am going to pray it in.” The Lord has laid this so upon my heart that I want all your readers to know that she gave all she had. When Dr. Talbot burned the j mortgage on the Bible Institute he promised God he wouldn’t go into debt, and ready cash is necessary. So many people say, “ If only they would start building at La Mirada, the money would come in,” but I think a “ bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” When I think of the sacrificial time and effort Dr. Talbot and oth ers have put into this work for the sake of our young people I want to do my part. God is no man’s debtor; He will give the joy, peace, condi tions and space necessary for a larg er campus, where a deejper work of grace and preparation for His serv ice may be done.
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