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Outline helps and questions for personal and group study

Searching the Scriptures

Acts (continued)

b y C h e s t e r J. P a d g e t t

3. What is significant about Phil­ ip’s witness in Samaria? (v. 5.) 4. Who were the Samaritans? Look this up in your Bible dictionary. 5. What happened in Samaria as a result of the preaching of the Word? (w. 6-8.) Study Questions on Chapter 8 (Continued) 1. Note that whenever the Spirit of God is working Satan is busy too! (w . 9-25.) 2. We get our word “ simony” from this incident. Look this word up in the dictionary and then see why the word means this from verses 9-25. 3. Did Simon possess real saving faith? (cf. v, 13 with vv. 21-23.) 4. Why did the Jerusalem leaders (of the church) send representatives to Samaria? (y. 14.) 5. In what sense did the Holy Ghost fall upon the Samaritan' be­ lievers? (v. 17.) Do you think prob­ ably the Holy Spirit manifested Him­ self in Samaria as He did at Pentecost in order to indicate that even the de­ spised Samaritans were included in the gospel? Study Questions on Chapter 8 (Continued) 1. From the account of Philip’s ministry in verses 26-40, jot down the many characteristics that ought to be found in every believer. 2. How is God’s interest in one honest soul evidenced in this ac­ count? (cf. Mark 8:36.) 3. List the characteristics of the Ethiopian from verses 27-39. 4. How do you think the Ethiopian happened to be in Jerusalem? (v. 27.) 5. What further indication is there of his spiritual hunger? (v. 28.) Study Questions on Chapter 8 ( Continued) 1. Why is it necessary to have ' CO N T IN U E D

Study Questions on Chapters 6 and 7 1. Note the list of men chosen by the church to serve as “ deacons” in the church (6:5). Which xlames are first on the list? Why? (See chapters 7 and 8.) 2. How do we know that God was pleased with the action of the church in setting the apostles free for prayer and study and in electing men to take care of the material needs of the con­ gregation? (v. 7.) 3. What charge did the Jews bring against Stephen? (w . 8-14.) Was this charge true? Think of the accusations brought against our Lord Jesus. 4. Read carefully Stephen’s mes­ sage to the Sanhedrin (Jewish gov­ erning body) and then jot down in a sentence what you think is the main theme of his message (7:2-53). 5. What charge does Stephen bring against the Jews and in particular the very men before whom he spoke? (vv. 51-53.) Study Questions on Chapters 7 arid 8 1. What was the impact of Ste­ phen’s message on the Jews? (7:54.) 2. What final words from Stephen drove the Jews into a rage? (w . 55, 56.) 3. What terrible action was per­ formed by the Jews in their anger? (vv. 57-60.) Remember our Lord died unjustly too. 4. How else does Stephen remind us of our Lord in His death? (vv. 59, 60.) - 5. To what man are we introduced in 8:1? This man was destined to be­ come the greatest preacher of the gospel and the author of half the New Testament! Marvelous grace of God! Study Questions on Chapter 8 ( Continued) 1. What were the consequences of the persecution that arose following the martyrdom of Stephen? (w . 1-4.) 2. How is Saul’s hatred for Jesus Christ evidenced in verse 3?

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