King's Business - 1956-11

The BOOK of REVELATION by R. I. Humberd "Few of the commentaries that have been written on this profound and mysterious book, are as sound and as simple as this one"— Moody Monthly "Recently it was my privilege to teach the book of Revelation, verse by verse, on the radio— I found none more helpful for the purpose desired in this connection, than Mr. Humberd's commentary." — Wendell P. Loyeless

5. Who was it who was willing to risk faith in Paul? (v. 27.) Keep your eyes open for further references to this man in the narrative. Study Questions on Chapter 9 (Continued) 1. What did the Jews attempt to do to Paul in Jerusalem? (v. 29.) 2. How did he escape? (v. 30.) 3. What was the general situation among the churches in Palestine at this particular moment? (v. 31.) 4. What was the purpose of the miracles recorded in verses 32-43? (See especially w . 35, 42.) 5. How is it evident that Peter was beginning to lose some of his Jewish prejudices? (v. 43.) Study Questions on Chapter 10 1. Note the personal ministry of the Holy Spirit (v. 19). How do you think the Spirit communicated His will to Peter? How does He speak to us today? 2. What was Peter’s response to the Holy Spirit’s direction? (v. 21.) 3. What is further indicated about Cornelius’ character from verse 24? Are we this concerned about the spir­ itual welfare of our loved ones and friends? 4. How is Peter’s humility evi­ denced in verses 25, 26? 5. How do we know that Peter had now learned the lesson God intended to teach in the vision of the sheet let down from heaven? (v. 28.) Study Questions on Chapter 10 (Continued) 1. What kind of a setting and at­ mosphere did Peter have to preach in? (v. 33.) Would there be greater blessing in our churches if this same condition prevailed today? 2. Does Luke intend to indicate that Cornelius was saved because he was “ accepted” of God? (w . 34, 35; cf. 11:14.) 3. How is the rapid spread of the news about the Lord Jesus indicated in verse 36? Let us remember that this was electrifying news — it still is, only today we take it so much for granted. 4. According to verse 36, what is the central message of the gospel? (cf. Rom. 5:1.) CO N T IN U E D

"A s a student of prophecy, I find much satisfac­ tion in the expositions herein contained and gladly recommend the book to all who would like to have a better understanding of Revelation." — Keith L. Brooks 280 Pages — Price $2.75 Order from your bookstore or the publisher

Bookstore Special. Write and ask how to get a book tree. Get all 38 of Humberd's books for $9.95. Send for catalogue. HUMBERD PRESS Box K, Flora, Ind.


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