King's Business - 1956-11


B IB LE S T U D Y continued

From a Hebrew Christian widow in Berlin comes this pitiful appeal for help. She says: "My son and I are in great need. During the Hitler regime I fled with my boy to Russia where we stayed six years behind barbed wire fences. Since our return to Germany we have been in desperate condition. I pray every night that our Lord will help us. I have heard that you- do so much for Hebrew Christians, so I turn for help.”

5. While He was in the flesh what was the secret of Jesus’ power? (v. 38.) Let us remember that this is our only source of power too (cf. Zech. 4:6 with Acts 1:8). Study Questions on Chapter 10 ( Continued) 1. What was the nature of our Lord’s ministry during His earthly sojourn? (v. 38.) Is He doing the same thing today, even in a more wonderful Way in the souls of men? 2. What two other important doc­ trines make up the gospel as Peter preached it? (w . 39, 40.) 3. Was the resurrection of Christ substantiated by eye witnesses? (v. 41.) 4. What is the very heart of the gospel invitation? (w . 42, 43.) 5. Is the gospel divorced from the Old Testament prophecies? (cf. v. 43 with Isa. 53.) Study Questions on Chapter 10 ( Continued) 1. In the midst of Peter’s sermon what remarkable thing took place? (v. 44.) 2. In what manner do you think the Holy Spirit “fell” on the people who heard Peter preach? (v. 46; cf. 11:16, 17.) 3. Why were the Jewish believers there so surprised at what happened? (v. 45.) 4. What further right belonged to these Gentile believers? (w . 47, 48.) 5. Note that in this extension of Pentecost, that Gentile believers were thus incorporated into the church without reference to circumcision or the law of Moses, God thus indicating that the door.of salvation for Gentile believers was open wide — a door of pure grace. A brand new dispensation is now begun! Study Questions on Chapter 11 1. Who are meant by those “ of the circumcision” ? (vv. 1, 2.) You, will note through Acts, Romans and Gala­ tians the confusion and harm wrought by these men in the church. We still have them among us today in the form of Seventh-day Adventism, Ro­ manism, Arminianism. etc. 2. Peter rehearses his notable ex­ perience to the leaders of the Jerusa­ lem church (vv. 2-17). What is the result? (v. 18.)

Rev. Jacob Peltz

Please pray for us as our workers seek to minister to the bodies and souls of refugees in Berlin and other needy centers in Europe; to the aged and little children in our Homes in Germany. Pray especially for our work and workers in Israel where Hebrew Chris­ tians bear the reproach of Christ. Your gift will help us care for Jewish converts, provide food and shelter for those living in poverty and near starvation. Please send your gift at this time of urgency and great need. Address communications to: THE INTERNATIONAL HEBREW CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary U.S.A. Canada 5 630-K North Campbell Ave., Chicago 45, III. 91-K Bellevue. Ave., Toronto, Can

“ Will there be any JEWELS in your CROWN?” New Hong Kong orphanage to offer new op­ portunities to unearth rough, uncut precious Jewels.

Only $15.00 per month to care for a boy or girl. Write for our 27-minute color-sound film "G o d ’s Other Children" and for litera­ ture; missionary speakers also available. H O M E O F O N E S I P H O R U S SK,£

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