King's Business - 1956-11

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B IB LE S T U D Y continued

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2. In the light of this prediction what action did the Christians in the church in Antioch take? (v. 29.) 3. Why were Barnabas and Saul (Paul) the logical ones to take the love gift from Antioch to Jerusalem? (v. 30.) 4. Why do you think God permit­ ted the persecution recorded in 12:1- 4? It would seem as if the time had come for the headquarters of the Christian church to move to a more cosmopolitan center. Why do you think that this event was rather im­ portant? 5. What is the significance of the little “ but” in verse 5? Study Questions on Chapter 12 (Continued) 1. ’ Study carefully verse 5 and list the tea'chifigs on prayer. See the mar­ ginal notation in the Scofield Bible on the word “ prayer.” 2. What facts made Peter’s predic­ ament seem impossible? (v. 6.) 3. List the miraculous in Peter’s escape from prison (w . 7-10). Many missionaries and other servants of the Lord could relate similar experiences. No enemy can harm a true believer in Christ without God’s express per­ mission. 4. Is there any indication of lack of faith on the part of some in the prayer meeting visited by Peter? (vv. 13-17.) Are we surprised when God answers prayer? 5. Herod had defied the living God. Who won the battle? (w . 20-24.) Who can ever win out against the Lord? ( Continued) 1. What ministry did Paul and Barnabas fulfill? (cf. 12:25 with 11: 27-30.) 2. Who did these two men bring with them to Antioch from Jerusa­ lem? (v. 25.) 3. How is it possible to minister “ to the Lord” ? (13:2.) 4. Who is the Lord of the harvest according to 13:2? (cf. Matt. 9:37, 38.) 5. Whose responsibility is it to co­ operate with the Holy Spirit in the important task of sending out mis­ sionaries? (w . 2-4.) (To be continued next month.) Study Questions on Chapters 12 and 13


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