King's Business - 1956-11

that there is a window drawn on the envelope. The spies told her that they would deliver her when the' city was captured if she would bind the scar­ let line in her window. The scarlet cord reminds us of Christ, the Saviour of sinners. We will make a slit in the envelope and run the red ribbon through and out the window. She was told to remain in the house in order to be delivered. We will put this heart with the ribbon of sin in the envelope and seal it to show how Rahab remained in her house. When the day finally came for Jericho to fall, Rahab was rescued. We shall cut off the end of the envelope and see what happened. (Blow the envelope open and take the heart from behind the partition.) See, her sin is gone and instead we find the red ribbon which speaks of the cleansing blood of Christ.


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Brown School For Girls Glendora, California 1st Grade thru High School



BE SURE TO BUY A N D READ . . . STUD IES IN EXODUS By George Henderson (F.R.G.S., M.R.S.L.)

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Nov. 18, 1956 A H e a r t T h a t ’ s S m a r t

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Mr. Henderson is an out­ standing Bible teacher and writer. His books haveblessed thousands in Britain, S. Africa and America. Price $2.00 OTHER BOOKS BY MR. HENDERSON (Under Pen Name of Henry Durbanville)

OBJECTS: Four hearts, cut from black, green, yellow and white paper. (Cut the colored hearts in half — one ver­

HIS LAST WORDS THE BEST IS YET TO BE W INSOME CHRISTIANITY $1.00 If ordered at one time all four books for $5.00 ORDER FROM: CA LVARY BOOK ROOM CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH COVINGTON, KENTUCKY Or From Your Christian Book Store $1.50 $1.00

As Christians we owe the Jewish people a tremendous debt. Through Jews God’s Holy Word was revealed. Our Saviour was born a Jew. Yet we have given them so little. Millions of Jewish people today do not even know that their Messiah, the Lord Jesus, died to save them. We can repay our debt by giving them the Gospel — now. Will you help us reach Jews with the Gospel message through the MESSAGE TO ISRAEL broadcasts from coast to coast and around the world, by mail and per* sonal calls. Write for a free copy of our

tically, one horizontally and the other obliquely. Discard half of each heart and thumbtack the remainder to the board at the points of a tri­ angle.) LESSON: Who can tell me what is the matter with these hearts? “They are only half there.” Yes, they are like people who are halfhearted. I wonder whether their colors may not tell us why they are halfhearted. One is black, reminding us of sin. Sin often accounts for the halfhearted attitude on the part of many people. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that “ The CONTINUED

G iv e a G i f t see page 5

World Gospel Crusades

magazine, "MESSAGE TO ISRAEL.”

#6M 0 h \ Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman , President [ rHE wo*v® ] vv,THV)/ W ill you help us spread the 11 W ord through gospelsof John > m k « i nmu »mm *« w l and Bible Lessons by mail? wwbm » ua » m 0» christ ]\ W o r ld Gospel Crusades is entirely a service organization to existing evangel­ ical churches, missions and agencies working for the evangelization of "all men everywhere.’* Great work going on 4,000 reached in Brazil, 138,000 "Light of Life Lessons" enrollees in India. 400,000 gospels of John furnished revival in Portugal. Your prayers and interest earnestly entreated. Get FREE bulletin—W rite: P.0. Box 9812 K Los Feliz Sto,, Los Angeles 27, Calif.

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