King's Business - 1956-11


Under the Parsonage Roof by A lthea S. M i l l e r MOVING DAY

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In Mesa La Mirada (Approximately 1 Mile from BIOLA) $1000 DN. FOR NON VETS Vets!... Still Nothing Down

A fter months of prayerful prepara­ tion and planning for the move to Florida, the great day was at last upon us. An exhausted Mother slipped into her seat in the car. Her head was swimming. What had she forgotten? Headed first for Indiana and confer­ ence, she’d had to pack sufficiently and properly for that trip and from thence to their new home. Just seven of the nine children were moving with Mother and Daddy. Bob had been married in a lovely church cere­ mony four days before the family’s departure and was headed with his bride for college. All his personal effects went with him. Bill was packed and headed for another college. Moth­ er had carefully included all his win­ ter clothes with a prayer they’d be adequate for the cold weather of the Midwest. As the parents labored over the sorting and packing of the multitudi­ nous items collected over a period of time by so large a family, they were forced to make many decisions as to what was and was not worth moving. Howls of protest went up from their offspring when some loved but worth­ less item was discarded. “ I’ve burned tons of stuff already,” Daddy exaggerated with a groan. “We’re the greatest junk collectors!” “ You haven’t known many people then,” Son number three claimed. “ I know a lot of kids who have whole rooms full of souvenirs and junk they’ve collected. Not one of us has his own room so we don’t have much of a collection.” “ If that’s the case I’m glad you don’t have a room to yourself to pile high. W ill you come and help me carry some of the junk out of the basement?” As the miles sped past Mother tried to untangle the tied-up muscles and nerves which had knotted in spite of her those last few weeks. “Dear Lord,” her heart whispered to the Un­ seen Listener, “ I’m so glad that when I move on to my home with Thee no packing will be necessary. ‘This robe of flesh I’ll drop, and rise to seize the everlasting prize.’ I’m looking up, for my ‘redemption draweth nigh.? Lord, hasten that moving day.”

Limited number of these luxurious Harry Brittain homes available to Non- Vets at only $1,000 down. For Veterans, still nothing down on sales price (impounds only) . . . 30-year loans. Drive out today!

See 6 Model Homes — 15 Styles — Beautifully Furnished

MORE HIGH-PRICED FEATURES TH AN IN A N Y OTHER MODERATELY PRICED HOMES IN SOUTHERN CAL IFORN IA • Homes of distinctive design and structural integrity by Harry Brittain, Inc. • In the all new $150,000,000 community of La Mirada, located in Los A n ­ geles County. • Near schools, churches, shopping, park and golf. • 3-4 bedrooms, 2 baths — some with dens. • Beautifully landscaped yards and extra-large patios. • Built-in GE Clothes Washer & Dryer — Disposal, Dishwasher. • Distinctive floors of cork tile — Lifetime T V aerial. • 16 other outstanding features. • 30-minutes on Freeway to L.A. City Hall. PRICES ON THESE LU XU R IO U S HOM ES . . . FROM $15,650 TO $16,900 IM M E D IA T E O C C U P A N C Y O N M O ST MODELS HOW TO GET THERE: Take Santa Ana Freeway. Turn off at Rosecrans and drive straight east. Mesa La Mirada is 1 Vi miles past Valley View on Rosecrans.

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a G i f t see page 5



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