Acts of terror and war have occurred throughout history and all over the world. Knowing about them can help you understand more and be safer. In terror attacks, wars and other disasters people can be helped by more knowledge and talking to others about their worries. Knowledge and social support can help you stay in control of your feelings. Your ideas may help people live in peace in the future. Guide for Children and Teenagers - Why Learn About War?
Human beings have been warring for millions of years. Even the youngest children should be taught that war is a terrible thing, even when it is necessary. People get hurt and killed, and homes, schools and buildings destroyed. Pollution from wars, like oil spills, smoke from big fires or nuclear fallout can damage the Earth's future. Women and children can be harmed by crashes, explosions, bombs, missiles, bullets, poison gas, germs, radiation and other weapons. And many people can be frightened. Sometimes the leaders of a country have to make a very hard choice. They may have to decide that our armed forces must fight a war, even though it is so terrible, because of some very important reasons. Many children and adults get frightened, sad or worried during a war. In the past 50 years, children in the countries of the United States, Afghanistan, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine, Kuwait, Rwanda, Somalia, Iran, Iraq and Ireland, Malaysia, Venezuela, Georgia, Crimea, China and Taiwan have been close to fighting or actually in wars. In the past 100 years, an even greater number of nations and people have been in wars. Many children have seen and heard warplanes, missiles, explosions and gunfire. Children have heard air-raid sirens and had to stay in shelters and wear gas masks. Some have had their homes or schools destroyed, or seen collapsed buildings. Many have family or friends who were injured or even killed, and many children have been hurt themselves. They may have had to leave their city or country. Some have had to leave family and friends behind. Many children have died because of war injuries. All through the world hundreds of millions of children have seen a tremendous amount of war on the internet and television, sometimes over and over.
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