Many children know or even have a parent, family member or friend who died or was injured or is missing in a war somewhere on the planet. These children may be very brave, but still worried and miss someone very much. Many children have trouble studying, sleeping, or have bad dreams during a disaster or war. They may be afraid to go to school, or have headaches or stomach aches because of their worries. They may have trouble paying attention at school and might not even know that their minds are thinking about the war instead of school work. They might feel sad and cry easily and want to be very close to their mom or dad. They might feel angry and get into trouble or fights because they are so worried. They may be scared that war would come over here even more, so they will feel very unsafe. They may miss someone they love and worry that something bad will happen to them. They may have been very sad about what did happen. Some children might not even know that they are worried about terror attacks and wars. They may have trouble even thinking about what has happened. Other children may think about frightening things that they would rather not think about at all, especially when they are reminded by the news on the radio or TV or when an airplane flies overhead.
But it is also normal for children not to get too upset. A lot of children do not get worried much at all and stay fairly happy.
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