In 2015, Putin began support of a criminal Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. He supported reducing cities to rubble. He supported Assad’s use of poison gas to kill civilians, violating basic principles of the United Nations charter. In December 2021 Putin demanded that NATO and the United States revise their treaty agreements with Russia. He did not succeed. He began surrounding Ukraine with many thousands of Russian troops and military equipment, while promising not to invade Ukraine. He pretended the troops were just on a military exercise.
On February 24 th 2022 Putin began an invasion of Ukraine.
Since that time, Russian ground, air and naval forces have been attacking Ukraine. They have been treating Ukraine the way they treated Chechnya and Syria. They are bombing and shelling civilian buildings and reducing them to rubble. Even hospitals, schools, day-care centers and preschools are being destroyed with bombs and artillery. Thousands of Ukrainian people are being killed or seriously injured, including many children. Thousands of Russian soldiers are being killed by Ukrainian soldiers and ordinary people who are defending their homeland.
The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has been leading the brave resistance of Ukrainian people.
Putin has been surprised that he could not quickly win the war he started against Ukraine.
Millions of mothers and children have been fleeing from the war in Ukraine. They leave by car, bus, train and on foot. The trips are often slow and take a long time. Fathers and other men are staying behind to fight against the Russian invasion. Families have to bravely but sadly get along without their fathers during this war.
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