Guide for Parents and Teachers
This workbook is here to help parents, families and teachers help their children and students. If you are a teenager or a very good younger reader, you can use much of it by yourself. It will help children and adults talk together about terror, war and peace and has instructions for use with children from preschool through high- school ages. The book's goals are for families and their children to gain strength and learn more. They can gain control of facts, ideas and feelings about terror, war and peace. We want to help children to cope with their worries or fears and to think about ways to go about solving safety problems. Using this book can help in a stressful time, such as being in a refugee camp. It helps constructive learning and coping. We offer a guide and physical structure to organize and encourage children's thinking about war, terror and the resolution of conflicts between peoples, with the help of their own families, teachers and classmates. The authors have had many years of professional and personal experience with national disasters and children's reactions, beginning with the senior author's research on children's reaction to the assassination of President Kennedy ( Psychological Emergencies of Childhood , Kliman, 1968; Children and the Death of a President , Wolfenstein and Kliman, 1965). The guided activity workbook format is a simple and straightforward approach. It is partly a textbook. At the same time, it uses an existing psychological self-help method that has been well-studied and found measurably helpful in other situations (Kliman, 1995). The activity workbook encourages children to learn more about the facts of terror, war andpeace, as well as their own feelings and values. Designed to be used with children of varying developmental levels, it includes a guide for parents and teachers and one for children. It has a journal to record ideas and feelings; a scrapbook for articles and pictures; illustrations to color and discuss; a quiz about war and peace suggestions for activities; a list of resources; a bibliography, and a children's mental health checklist to help identify those children needing more assistance. It can be used by children of various ages individually, with their families, in the classroom with groups of children, and by mental health professionals as part of therapy.
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