My IDEAS for Other Things to Do
More Things To Do
Besides working on this book, there are even more things you can do about terror and war. Here are a few:
1. You, your family and friends could write letters to families of the victims of terror and to men and women in fire or police departments and the armed forces. You could also send them gifts. 2. You could write your President about your ideas about terror and war. 3. If you are old enough, you could volunteer to help at a Shelter or other relief agency. By helping others, we can feel better. 4. You could paint a mural at home about the war with your family or friends, or in school with your teacher's permission. 5. You could have a fundraiser for our soldiers, their families or victims of terror. One example is an art show. Your friends could show your drawings about the war or about peace. Charge admission. Send the money to a helping agency. 6. You could write a report for school about terror or war, or hold a debate at school. 7. You could organize a meeting to support the Ukrainian armed forces. 8. Besides completing this book, you could keep a diary to record your feelings about the war and about what happened.
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