Eleven Years and Older
Many children over age 11 will want to work on the book on their own, but it is part of a network approach for you to tactfully participate, pitch in with ideas and give your assistance at times. The older children can look up information and answers in the rear, find out about their own mental health by using the checklist, and might give you plenty of adult-sounding suggestions about how to help the community and them back to a normal life! Be available to serve as a sounding board and resource for your child or teenager, helping to find information and answering questions. Share your own reactions in words and with caring, protective actions. Try to avoid seeming incapable, numb, silent, unavailable or retreating emotionally. The whole network of caregivers can help children by being as energetic as possible in expressing thoughts, mentally processing rather just taking actions or being frozen with anxiety.
If You Were Bereaved, or if a Family Member Was Injured, or Is Missing
Studies show adults' example of strength will lead the way to children's recovery. Your children may benefit from brief preventive consultation. Bereavement is a high mental health risk for all children, and even more serious for preschool children. See www.cphc-sf.org and www.aacap.org/publications and see our resource list at the back of this book for more help and information. Use of a personal life-history book method such as this one can help preserve the bereaved child's sense of personal continuity.
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