WSH Design Essentials


T I PS FOR DI SCUSS ING COLOR Color is one of the easiest and most affordable decorating tools but it requires careful thought and planning. It is also a very personal choice based on the mood and ambience the customer wants to create in their home. CHOOS ING A COLOR PALETTE Choosing a room’s color palette is one of the first steps when decorating a space. A color palette is a planned, pleasing combination of a few colors used to decorate a room or a house. This can be an intimidating step but remember that there are no absolute rules of color. Follow the lead of the client-some will be more willing to take color risks than others. There are two simple methods that may help the client identify a color palette: 1. Use photos to identify colors in rooms that appeal to the client 2. Use the colors from a pattern or piece of artwork that appeals to the client ME THOD 1 USE A COLOR PALETTE FROM PHOTOS OF ROOMS THAT APPEAL TO THE CL I ENT ST EP 1 — COL L ECT PHOTOS Have the client bring in photos they like from catalogs, magazines, websites. ST EP 2 — NOT E COLORS THE CL I ENT L I KES AND D I SL I KES Analyze similarities in the photos, this is an indication of the sort of color scheme they are comfortable with. Do most of the pictures they’re drawn to reflect warms, cools or neutrals? Do they like rooms with low or high contrast? ST EP 3 — SE L ECT A COLOR PAL E T T E Once the client has landed on a general color grouping, select a palette of 3 or 4 main colors to be reflected in the walls, upholstery and accessories. ST EP 4 — DEC I DE WHERE EACH COLOR WI L L BE USED IN THE ROOM The general guideline when decorating is to use 3 different values: light, medium and dark. But, keep in mind; there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to color.


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