Healthy Kids - Spring 2021


HEALTHY HABITS Tips for sleep, social media and smart spending, plus how to teach your kids about fighting fair 05 Children’s share their stories and show what makes nurses so great 16 NURSES BY NATURE In honor of National Nurses Week, six nurses from Rady BREATHE EASY Airway obstruction and a heart defect put a toddler ’s life at risk, but an innovative procedure at Rady Children’s gave his grateful family hope 22



CHEERS FOR PEERS A dozen doctors were honored by their

colleagues for their dedication, competency and compassion


STEP BY STEP An in-depth look at the HeathySteps primary

care and development program at Rady Children’s offices in Murrieta


PAY IT FORWARD How one family ’s bake sale raised enough to

buy a holiday toy for every single kid at Rady Children’s Hospital

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