
A time for expanded policy advocacy

A few countries – such as Tunisia and Senegal - have taken the lead in enacting innovation and startup acts to provide broad incentives for digital innovators, and remove the regulatory barriers in their path. The co-creation approach with local ecosystem players in designing these policies, is commendable. However, some African governments still view the rapid growth in the digital ecosystem as a threat. Internet shutdowns, over-regulation of content on social media platforms, and taxation are common attacks on internet freedom across Africa, which, if left to persist, will negate the benefits brought about by technological innovation. To ensure a balanced and inclusive digital ecosystem for entrepreneurs and innovators to thrive, AfriLabs seeks to play a leadership role in influencing policies and strategies at the national and pan-African levels. We believe now is the best time for multi-stakeholder engagements on digital sovereignty, preparing the youth for the fourth industrial revolution, and promoting the adoption of innovation.

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